9/11 Remembrance: only known survivor from Trade Center impact zone pays tribute to God’s grace


His song of protection – Psalm 91:1

Stanley Praimnath

By Mark Ellis

The 9/11 Commission credits Stanley Praimnath as the only known survivor from the impact zone at the World Trade Center towers on September 11.

“The Lord saw fit for me to live,” says Praimnath, who works in the banking industry in New York.  His riveting tale of survival is chronicled in “Plucked from the Fire” (Rosedog Books), coauthored with William Hennessey.

Praimnath, born in Guyana, came to America with little money in his pockets in 1981. When he arrived, Praimnath landed a job in the garment industry in Jersey City,New Jersey, where he earned $125 a week.  Then he got a job as a file clerk for a bank in downtown Manhattan.

Growing up in Guyana, his mother insisted he attend church, but he rebelled and drifted away during high school. “I woke up one day in America and decided I wanted to be a good guy, whatever ‘good’ means,” he recalls.  Then a friend called and invited him to church.  “The more I went, the more I liked what I saw,” Praimnath says.  He was born-again in 1983.

A few years later he married a pastor’s daughter and started a new career with Fuji Bank.  On the side, he helped his father-in-law plant a church in a rough neighborhood of Queens, New York.

Within five years Praimnath advanced to Asst. Vice-President, running all of Fuji Bank’s operations on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center, Tower 2.  That floor was immense—approximately one acre square, and almost completely soundproof from the outside.

Praimnath thought he was on top of the world – even planes flew at the same level.  When he looked down, everything looked small.  Praimnath says most of the people he worked with at Fuji Bank were Buddhists or Shinto; there were only a handful of Christians.

When most people went to lunch, Praimnath sat at his desk with a salad or soup, reading his Bible.  He tried to share about Christ when he had opportunities, but most didn’t want to hear.

Critical events transpire

On the morning of Sept. 11, he was riding up the elevator to his office at 8:45 a.m. when Tower One was hit by the first plane.  Riding in the elevator, Praimnath didn’t see or hear a thing.

As soon as he laid his briefcase down he began to receive a barrage of phone calls, first from his mother, then his wife and brothers.  “Stan, are you OK?” they asked.  He said, “Yes, yes, I’m fine,” but none of them told him what happened.  He wondered why his family was checking up on him.

When he hung up he glanced out his window for the first time.  He was stunned to see huge chunks of fiery debris—“fireballs”—falling from Tower One.  The other half of Fuji Bank’s operations were in that tower, so he called there to try to reach his boss.  There was no answer.

Praimnath decided it was time to get out, so he jumped in an elevator and headed down to the lobby.  He was about to go through the turnstile exit when a security guard stopped him.  “Where are you going?” the man asked.

“I’m going home,”Stanley said.

The security guard said: “No, the building is safe and secure, go back to your office.”  Soon an intercom was piping in the same message: “Your attention please, ladies and gentlemen, Building 2 is secure.  There is no need to evacuate Building 2.”

Praimnath got into the express elevator and in less than a minute was back up to the 81st floor.  Several of his co-workers rode in the same elevator.  They were laughing and exchanging pleasantries.  When he got off that elevator, it was the last time he would see them again.

He walked into his office and the phone rang immediately.  It was a woman from Chicago.  “Stan, Stan, get out, get out of the building.”  He assured the woman he was fine.  “But you’re not logged on to the computer,” she said. Stanley still didn’t know a plane hit the first building.

At eye-level with United flight 175 

As he assured the woman he was safe, he stood up near his desk, while he held the phone in his hand, and just happened to look toward the Statue of Liberty.  Suddenly he saw a huge plane, gray in color, that flew straight at him.  “It was coming at me at eye-level contact,” he notes.  Praimnath could make out the letter ‘U’ on the tail.  It was United flight 175.

recreation of moment before impact

“As the plane was getting nearer I could hear a revving sound the engine was making, like the sound a plane makes when it’s about to take off,” Praimnath says.  “Quadruple that sound, and that’s the sound I could hear, even in this soundproof building.  I can still hear that sound in my head,” he says.  “That sound will never go away.”

“I’m standing up looking at this plane getting bigger and nearer,” Praimnath says.  “You don’t know how fast your mind is reacting.”

In desperation he cried out to God:  “Lord, I can’t do this—you take over,” and he dove under his desk.  Praimnath’s Bible still sat on top of the desk.  The plane slammed into the building with immense force. The bottom of the wing sliced through his office and stuck in his office door 20 feet away from where he huddled.

“There was a massive fireball as the major part of the plane blew up,” Praimnath says. “The only desk that stood firm was the one I was hiding under because my Bible was on top of that desk.”

moment of impact

Every wall was flattened as if a demolition crew had passed through.  Other than his desk, every other piece of office furniture was smashed like match boxes.  Part of the floor above his head collapsed downward, and all the cables in the ceiling were dangling, falling and short-circuiting, because the sprinklers came on.

“I thought if the floor doesn’t completely collapse and kill me, I’ll be electrocuted or the plane’s wing is going to blow up and I’m going to die.”  Above Praimnath, a fiery inferno was raging.  Fire had also broken out on his floor, some distance away.  But in Praimnath’s office, there was no fire.  “That is a miracle,” he says.  “I was covered under the shadow of the Lord.”

Praimnath had no way of knowing the clock was ticking, and his building would completely collapse within an hour’s time.

He pushed debris away that was up to his shoulders.  He couldn’t completely stand up because the roof had collapsed downward.  There was no way out of his office, because the plane’s wing blocked the only exit door.

A prayer of desperation

Praimnath let out an anguished cry to the Lord with every fiber of his being:  “Lord, send somebody to help me…I don’t want to die.  What will happen to my wife and two kids?”

At that moment, Brian Clark, an executive vice-president with Euro Brokers, was walking down the only passable staircase from the 84th floor with six other people.  Clark happened to be the fire warden on his floor, so he had a flashlight.  When the group reached the 81st floor they ran into a woman who told them to turn around and go back up.

But at that moment Clark heard somebody far away who screamed and banged on a wall: “Help, help!  I’m buried.  Is anyone there?  Help, I can’t breathe.”  The voice in the distance was Praimnath’s, and Clark decided he would stop to help.  The others turned around and went up toward the top of the building, thinking they could escape to the roof.

Clark said later there was something in Praimnath’s scream that impelled him to stay.  His feet felt glued to the 81st floor.  While the others in his group complained about the smoke and fumes,Clark said he felt like there was a bubble of protective oxygen around his head; the smoke never affected him. Those who went upward all perished.  They didn’t know the exit doors to the roof were locked after the 1993 terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center garage.

Through the rubble, Praimnath saw Brian Clark’s flashlight in the distance. Clark called out in the direction of the screams, but Praimnath couldn’t hear because he was temporarily deaf.

Crawling toward the light 

“I started crawling as fast as possible toward the light, because I knew if that man left me I would die,” Praimnath recalls.  Praimnath could hear the air pressure sucking papers and other objects out of the shattered windows, probably due to a vortex created by the inferno.  It was pitch dark other than the darting flashlight he could see intermittently through the debris.

After he crawled through the wreckage of three departments he finally reached a 10-foot sheetrock wall that was still intact.  There was no way to get through it.  His entire body was swollen, black and blue by now.

Clark shouted at Praimnath through the wall:  “Jump over it and I’ll catch you on the other side.”

“I can’t do it,” Praimnath shouted back.

“Think about your family,”Clark retorted.

Praimnath tried to jump, but he missed and part of the ceiling caved in.  As he reached up to prevent the ceiling from hitting him a two-inch metal screw went through the palm of his hand.  He cried out in pain, his body pierced in the same place as his Savior.

“What happened?” Clark called out.

“A metal screw went through my palm,” he winced.

“Bite it out and try again,”Clark said.  Praimnath couldn’t do that, so he hit the piece of wood attached to the screw and it came out of his hand.  Immediately his hand ballooned outward like a puffer fish.

“I began to plead with the invisible God,” Praimnath recalls.  “Lord if you wanted me to die why did you bring me all the way here…Who is going to walk my daughters down the aisle when they get married?  What will befall my wife?  Who will take care of my children?  I want to see my family.  Lord just give me the strength one time more.”  Praimnath prayed aloud, and Clark could hear him through the wall.

A struggle to breathe 

Because of the fumes and smoke, Praimnath could barely breathe.  He was at the end of his rope.  He started to look at the wall and caress it gingerly with his good hand.  Then he wound up and punched the wall as hard as he could.  Miraculously, his hand passed through two layers of sheetrock to the other side, and missed the supporting studs within the wall.  “That is the grace of God,” Praimnath says.  “I couldn’t do that now,” he says.

Clark grabbed his hand momentarily, then Praimnath pulled it back through.  Praimnath began to punch wildly at the hole until he could get his entire head through it, then his shoulders. Clark grabbed his head in a headlock and began to pull.  Finally Clark pulled with such force that Praimnath shot through the hole, they both landed on top of rubble and began to roll.

“He grabbed me and around and round we rolled together,” Praimnath says.  “We landed on the 80th floor.”

When they both got up, Clark slapped him and said, “You could have died, do you know that.  You’re crazy.”  Then he extended his hand.  “Brian Clark.”

“Stanley Praimnath.”

Clark grabbed Praimnath’s hand gently and inspected his wound.  They both had blood on their hands.

Finding a brother

Praimnath with Brian Clark

Then Clark looked Praimnath in the eyes and said: “All my life I was an only child.  I always wanted a brother.  I found one today.”  They rubbed the blood on their hands together.  Then Clark took his hand and put it around Stanley’s shoulder.  “Today you’re my blood brother.  Come on buddy, let’s go home.”

As they worked their way down 80 flights they saw some terrible sights.  One man lay there with a broken back, bleeding from massive head injuries.  “Please tell my wife and baby I love them. We just got married.”

They saw a security guard watching over another injured man as they waited for help to arrive.  Praimnath and Clark offered to carry the injured man down.  “Don’t touch him,” the security guard said, believing paramedics would arrive shortly.  Help never arrived.  The security guard could have escaped, but made the ultimate sacrifice.

When they made it to the lobby, they saw cops, emergency workers and fire fighters belching out orders.  They yelled to the two men:  “Run, run, run to Liberty..” Liberty Street ran next to the World Trade Center.

“I’m going to Trinity Church,” Praimnath said.

“I’m going with you,”Clark replied.

As they left, people shouted at them: “Don’t look up, don’t look around,  just run. Go, go, go.”  They jumped over fallen debris and giant shards of glass on their way out.  Broken glass fell from the sky like confetti.  “Not one piece touched us,”Stanley recalls.  As they ran away from the building, firefighters ran in with heavy gear on their backs to help others trapped above.

Praimnath heard loud thuds as jumpers from the upper stories hit the pavement.  When he glanced up, he could see Tower 2 rock and sway.

The iron fence at Trinity Church 

They kept running until they reached Trinity Church.  Both men grabbed hold of the iron fence surrounding the church as if their lives

The iron fence at Trinity Church pre-911

depended on it. As they looked back, panting from exhaustion, they could see Tower 2 sway and then stop.

“I could feel the vibration in the ground,” Praimnath says.  He turned to Brian and said: “It’s going down.”

At that instant, the building started to implode, one floor smashing on top of another.  A giant tsunami of smoke, ash, dust and debris began to rush toward them.  Praimnath and Clark disappeared into the cloud and were separated for the rest of the day.

Praimnath made his way through the thick haze until he found a truck driver who gave him a lift to the Brooklyn Bridge.  He finally found his wife’s office, but she wasn’t there.  She had already gone home.

When the second plane hit the building, Praimnath’s wife, Jennifer, assumed the worst.  She waited at home, hoping and praying, but she thought he was gone.  She started to go into shock.

When Praimnath called from her office she said: “Who is this?”

“It’s me, Stan,” he said.

There was a pause.  “Don’t do this to me,” Jennifer said, convinced it was a cruel hoax.  “Why are you doing this to me?  My husband is dead.”

“It’s me, Stan.  The Lord took care of me…I’m coming home to you, girl.”

Praimnath’s story reminds his wife of the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace from the Book of Daniel.  “Those boys in the fiery furnace were unscathed and unharmed,” Jennifer says.  “Stan, you were in a towering inferno.  Now all the impurities have been burned out of you and you’re well done.”

As they watched news accounts on television in the days that followed, Praimnath saw a replay of the second plane hit his tower. “If you look at the video,” Praimnath says, “the plane is coming straight in toward the building and at the last minute it makes a tilt.”  Praimnath believes God pushed the plane away from him at the last second, in response to his heart cry to the Lord.

For weeks he struggled with survivor’s guilt.  “Why did I live and why did so many good people die?” he asked God.

Then he heard a commentator talking about the significance of the numbers 9-1-1. Praimnath grabbed his Bible, and madly flipped through the scriptures, not even sure what he was looking for until he landed on Psalm 91:1: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”

“My survival is all about God and his grace, because I’m not a hero,” Praimnath says.  “The Lord is the hero.  If you call on Him with all your heart and soul He will intervene on your behalf and deliver you,” he says.

“I may never know why some people prayed and God didn’t answer them or why I prayed and he answered me at the same time,” he adds.  “But I can tell you this, my God lives!”

This interview has been featured on our Best of God Reports Interviews podcast, to listen go here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/best-of-god-reports-interviews/id1560279290?i=1000587197227

If you would like to know God personally, go here


  1. Praise the Lord! Thank you for this wonderful story and testimony. Yes, our God lives. Thank you, Jesus, for such a mercy and sparing Brian Clark and Stanley Praimnath. May they both give You glory forever. Wow.

  2. Thank you for sharing the miracle of your survival on 9/11. I believe all you have said. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
    He is still in the mracle-making business and your story is a shining example! Praise the LORD! AMEN!

  3. To God be the glory. We won’t have all the answers until we get there. Thank you for this great story and testimony of God’s grace and for this man who gives you, Lord, the credit and the glory.

    Thank you, Stanley.

  4. Thank you Lord for saving a brother. Indeed our messiah lives i never expected to hear such a touching story, am inspired and encouraged by your testimony. Praise be to God. Yes He lives indeed!

  5. Perhaps Stanley was sent by God to save Brian Clark. Stanley had already left the building but then went back upstairs. After the plane crashed into the Tower, Brian then heard Stanley’s cries for help. Brian was with a group of people heading up to the roof, who all perished, but Brian stopped to help Stanley. He then decided to head down the stairs to safety.

  6. I guess God wasn’t with the other thousands of people who didn’t survive, then just because this guy was so special being a Christian. That’s always the message we are supposed to believe? Because he had a Bible on his desk it was the only thing not destroyed? I doubt that it was the only thing not destroyed and I doubt it was because the Bible was on top.And I’m sure all the other thousands of victims were praying just as hard and if God was singling people out that day, that would be a pretty cruel God. That’s the problem with these kind of stories, it’s pretty insulting to the other victims God just decided to forget because they fifn’t have a “Bible” on their desk. And the other people who were “complaining” about the heat and smoke who went up instead of down, God wasn’t protecting them, I guess. Sounfs like your Christian God is pretty cruel to let all the others die because they weren’t Christian enough. God had nothing to do with what happened on 911, George Bush and Dick Cheney knew way more than God did about what happened and they selected who was saved that day, not God, that is the one thing you can believe in about 911.

    • what you dont know is God has a plan for everybody and God maybe wanted all of the people who did die to rest in heaven, there is a reason God wanted this man to survive

    • Every fatality is a tragedy. But who are you to shame this man because he survived? You are what is wrong with this world. Sounds as though you are pissed bc whatever religion you partake in was not mentioned. That doesn’t make his story of survival any less significant. Every life that was not taken that day is a miracle, regardless of religious preference. I read the article same as you. Nowhere in this story did I feel like they were saying that he survived bc he was a Christian. Or that the ones who didn’t make it were being punished because they were not. Get over yourself.

    • I agree with you man… this story does insult the other poor victims ( who were in a much terrible situation on that black day of 9/11 ) and it also insults God in some way… If this story happened , it is nothing less than a miracle but it also has its limitations. Weren’t those poor people begging God for mercy while clinging on the edge of the tower ? Weren’t they remembering God when they were covered in thick smoke and fire ? This story is limited. Limited to the storyteller. I know God is great and Bible is very holy but if this happened , it was biased . Never mind , a very good day to Praimnath Sir…you are indeed very lucky. May the Almighty’s grace be with you. And may all the victims’ souls rest in peace. Remembering the heroes ( not victims ) of 9/11… HEY ISHWAR. AMEN..

  7. Grace, I pray that You seek the truth through the word of God.

    Salvation through Christ: a matter of FAITH

    Jesus loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to get to heaven and have eternal life? Here is how the Bible answers this question. It is answered in one word and the word is FAITH.
    F Is for Forgiveness
    Everyone has sinned and needs God’s forgiveness. Romans 3:23: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
    God’s forgiveness is in Jesus only. Ephesians 1:7: “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.”
    A Is for Available
    God’s forgiveness is available for all. John 3:16: “God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”
    God’s forgiveness is available but not automatic. Matthew 7:21: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven.”
    I Is for Impossible
    According to the Bible, it is impossible to get to heaven on our own. Ephesians 2:8-9: “By grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift – not from works, so that no one can boast.
    So how can a sinful person have eternal life and enter heaven?
    T Is for Turn
    If you were going down the road and someone asked you to turn, what would he or she be asking you to do? (Change direction) Turn means repent. Turn away from sin and self. Luke 13:3: “Unless you repent, you will all perish as well!”
    Turn to Jesus alone as your Savior and Lord. John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
    Here is the greatest news of all. Romans 10:9-10: “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. With the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation.”
    What happens if a person is willing to repent of their sins and confess Christ?
    H Is for Heaven
    Heaven is a place where we will live with God forever. John 14:3: “If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.”
    Eternal life begins now with Jesus. John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.”
    H can also stand for how
    How can a person have God’s forgiveness, eternal life, and heaven? By trusting Jesus as your Savior and Lord. You can do this right now by praying and asking Jesus to forgive you of your sins and inviting Jesus into your heart.
    Accepting Christ is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure with God! Get to know Him better in a number of ways:
    Follow Christ’s example in baptism.
    Join a church where you can worship God and grow in your faith.
    In your church, get involved in Sunday School and Bible study.
    Begin a daily personal worship experience with God where you study the Bible and pray.

  8. Grace,

    One more thing, our time on earth is limited. More importantly is where we spend eternity. Be assured that every person that day had the opportunity to accept Jesus into their heart. They may have died on this earth, but God was there receiving them into the Kingdom of Heaven where they will live eternally and with no suffering or pain. That is how merciful and wonderful our God is. God bless you

  9. I am the cousin of Manny Gomez Jr who died on 9/11 and who was Vice President of Fuji Bank and must have worked with Stanley ! I know Stanley must know of of my cousin Manny Gomez Jr. and I would love for Stanley to contact me so we talk about my cousin and his life ! Stanley can email me or call me on my office # 813 968-4896! Thank you and God bless!
    Pastor Hector Gomez

  10. good grief another “i survived because i had faith in Jesus story”. He survived because he ducked under his desk, not because he was a Christian. The plane’s right wing was tilted upwards and he was on the right side of the building. He survived because of where he was in the building and the way the plane hit, not because of his faith. God is another excuse by egocentric people to explain why they survived and everyone else didn’t. So let me ask you people one thing: Did Stanley survive because he was a christian, and the others were Buddhist, because if so why did thousands of other Christians who prayed just as hard die? This god of your is awfully cruel to randomly kill thousands and save a select few others. Time to get Jesus out of your system folks, hes been dead 2000 fricken years!!!!!

    • I am a Christian, and I admit. Sometimes I think it’s unfair that in tragedies like this, lots of good people die, while other people survive. The sad fact is, the Earth is filled with sin, and bad people who make choices enable tragedies to happen. It is not the victims’ fault. Some people survive through sheer luck, or miracle, or whatever. Unfortunately, if God saved everyone from every single bad thing that ever happened on this earth, illness, injury, everything short of old age, we would be quite overpopulated. In a tragic situation like that, I don’t believe God is the only thing that protects people. Circumstance, luck, and the mental capacity of you and others to deal with the situation all factor in. Probably for all those Christians who survived, there was also an amount who died. For all the Buddhists who died, there was an amount that survived. Death does not pick favourites, and though many people like to think that God saved them, what I believe God does is take away the sins of our life so that when we do die, we get to go to heaven and be there for eternity.

    • Brian, you misunderstood the man’s story. The man didn’t pray. He “called out for the Lord to save him” and that’s exactly what happened. He didn’t pray, he used his mouth and called out with a shout. Remember “whosoever will CALL (shout) upon the Lord shall be SAVED”> The only reason I know this works, is because I did it in a life and death situation..and sure enough, the Lord heard my CALL and saved me from certain death. But this valuable piece of information in your back pocket and save it for a day when you will need it. Be blessed

  11. I remember being born again, but now I am not sure I am saved anymore. I don’t know him anymore as a personal Saviour. Jesus said I never knew you depart from me you workers of iniquity. So I question my salvation.

    • Hello Alan,
      It’s been over a year since you wrote your words regarding Salvation. I have spent so much time on this myself. It has come to me that it’s not what you feel, but what you know…Feeling many times lead us in the wrong direction. Example, when some guy cuts you off on the interstate. What you want to do, yet what a responsible person does is shake your head , get upset, but we can’t strike back..that’s no good…I believe the word, and the word says if you accept Jesus as your savior, You Will be Saved; This is God’s Promise…Believe in the Word..YOU ARE SAVED! ! ! !

  12. I am with those who find it very disappointing that a man’s life was saved by another man’s bravery and yet, the survivor gives all the credit to Jesus. WTF??? As for those people who claim that the ones whose prayers were not answered were also part of some divine plan to go straight to heaven, I gotta ask you this: if it’s so great to go straight to heaven after not surviving a terrifying disaster, then how come true believers like Stanely Prainmath were praying so hard to live? How come he’s not made that he didn’t get to see Jesus right away? And furthermore, why is it tragedy in that case that anybody died? I mean, according to this twisted logic, the Christians who prayed to live but weren’t rescued actually totally scored by getting to go be with JC, so why should anybody shed a tear? In fact, if you look at it that way, they should be thanking Bin Laden as being their express ticket to paradise! It is totally ridiculous and actually very demeaning of the efforts of Brian Clark and insulting to those who died for Prainmath to turn his story into an advertisement for religious faith. What rot!

    • Diana – Stanley Prainmath is allowed to profess his faith any way he wants & this is his story to tell. I do not find it insulting to those who died at all. Stanley does not say that he is afraid to die he simply didn’t want to leave his wife & children alone without him. Nothing wrong with that reasoning . Since your not a Christian hear this news flash: Christian’s want to live on earth as long as possible so they can be with their loved ones and fulfill their purpose in life. So your being ridiculous in thinking anyone should be thanking Osama Bin Laden, I mean that was pretty insulting. The families didn’t want their loved ones to die that day but for Christians & those who believe in heaven they are comforted with the knowledge they are in heaven. It’s where we believe our soul goes. I believe it’s a miracle that Stanley & Brian got out. They are 2 of 4 people who got out of the South Tower above impact zone. Thank-you Stanley for sharing your faith with us.

    • I feel very sorry for you Diana…..No One can understand GOD’S ways…Why are some saved and others not…A True Christian( and other faiths) believe we are only here for a very short time, it’s the next life that is so blessed, but only if you believe, and that is strictly your choice….
      It’s interesting to read some famous people’s last words before they passed. Some cry out to past loved ones, others to Jesus, but several see something…You can choose to believe in the afterlife or like some ‘so called smart physicians’ stating it’s all in their heads…I choose to believe

  13. You think God “pushed” the plane out of your path? That’s rich. If I were you I think I’d be upset with him, I mean he could have saved you by giving you the flu and spared you the horror of witnessing all those who were not worthy of his mercy as they exploded on the pavement. You survived that day because you were in just the right spot when the plane struck and your adrenaline high gave you the strength to push on and punch through a wall. You probably couldn’t stop thinking about your family the entire time, right? That’s all you bro, fighting for your family, survival instinct. I don’t believe that God intervenes in our lives, this life is all about showing God how we do on our own. Besides if what you believe we’re true would people be inspired by God’s mercy toward you but not upset about the 3000 people he left to die. By the way the part about having to go back up to your office just doesn’t fit the story because in the eyes of a bank executive, which you claimed to be, a security guard is considered to be on par with a janitor or parking attendant and an executive wouldn’t even take time to notice the guard let alone obey his “orders”.

  14. Amazing. What I can’t understand is that all of the reports said that the’plane’ hit floor 79 so how did the wing end up on 81? And the explosion was immediate as the plane struck from 79 up to 82 were obliterated.. this story does not make sense. Also all reports say nobody survved in either WTC 1 or 2 from ‘impact’ up?

  15. Pray
    Call on the name of the Lord and pray for forgiveness. Ask the Lord to revive our hearts and souls. Jeremiah 29:12-14
    Pray for the Lord to help us, our families, and our churches live our biblical principals in everyday life. Psalm 121
    Pray for the Church to be steadfast, strong, and abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58
    Pray for the Holy Spirit to give wisdom on how to pray for the specific needs of the people. Romans 8;26
    Pray for the church to have a renewed revelation of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Ephesians 2:4
    Pray for unity among all churches. Romans 15:5-7
    Pray for salvation of all who have yet to know the love of God. John 3:16-17
    Pray for the church to be steadfast in love and faithfulness to one another. Proverbs 3:3-4
    Pray that God will continue to place men and woman of faith in positions of authority within the government and they will continue to live holy lives. Proverbs 16:17-18
    Pray for all the people, in every sphere of public and private life, to hear the Gospel and be saved. Romans 10:9-10
    Pray for the church to share the Gospel and disciple new believers effectively.
    Matthew 28:18-20
    Pray for the elected local officials to support biblical values on all local issues. Proverbs 21:1-3
    Pray that we, personally, will live authentic and godly lives, seeking revival first in our own hearts. Romans 14:17
    Pray for the needs of those suffering in your city: the homeless, poor, sick, and lonely. Romans 12:20
    Pray that Christians will be salt and light, living godly lives in home and in public. Mathew 5:13-16
    Pray for safety of those serving our country in the military. Pray for encouragement and strength as they are away from their families and for a safe return home. Psalm 91
    Pray that Christians who serve in public and elected positions be directed by the Holy Spirit. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
    Pray for safety from violence, evil, and pride. Ask that God will unite the church. 1 Corinthians 1:10
    Pray for pastors to have boldness as they proclaim the Gospel and lead congregations. Acts 9;28
    Pray for the church to be aware of areas of sin, to be cleansed where there is error, and to established where there is good. Ephesians 4:1-3
    Pray for Christians to repent of sin and experience a season of revival from the Lord. Act 3;19
    Pray for renewed revelation of God’s Word that leads to authentic love for God and holy living. Hebrews 4:12
    Pray for pastors and their families to be strengthened. 1 Corinthians 9;16
    Pray for Christians to be salt and light through humble hearts, acts of service, and the sharing of the Gospel. John 13:34-35
    Pray for wisdom for individuals in leadership as they make decisions for communities and the nation. James 1:5
    Pray for strength for God’s people to uphold justice and stand against sin in the world. Psalm 7
    Pray for peace and calmness in the streets and neighborhoods. Matthew 5;9
    Pray for the Lord to guide the leaders of all nations and help bring truth and light into the world. Colossians 1:9
    Pray for Go’s message to each state and nation and ask that Jesus will be glorified in all we do. Acts 1:8
    Pray for revival in our cities, our states, our nation, and all nations. Psalm 51-10-

  16. I heard your story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrvyAZ_mlaI.
    Saved on 911 but have you really searched & found Truth. First 911 Truth:
    Rebekah Roth author of Methodical Illusion


    Rebekah Roth author of Methodical Illusion
    View on http://www.youtube.com
    Preview by Yahoo

    Overwhelming Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job, Who did it and Why – Ken O’Keefe


    Overwhelming Evidence that 9/11 was an Inside Job, Who did…
    View on http://www.youtube.com
    Preview by Yahoo



    View on http://www.youtube.com
    Preview by Yahoo

    I would like to bring to your attention another following Truth (you can research if you are truthful & accept): :

    Prophet Muhammad pbuh mentioned in Bible & Torah Book by Book, Verse by Verse, in fact in all Divine Books but Priest, Pope Churches deny & hide afraid of loosing their following, family & livelihood.. Here is the Truth with Bible References:
    Dr. Zakir Naik: Prophet Muhammad(as) foretold in the Torah and Bible : 1/3
    Lecture by Dr Zakir Naik – (Prophets) Jesus & Mohammed (pbub) in the Bible

    Ask & pray to Allah/God Almighty if you are truthful to guide to the truth. May Allah Almighty guide you.

  17. Pray
    Call on the name of the Lord and pray for forgiveness. Ask the Lord to revive our hearts and souls. Jeremiah 29:12-14
    Pray for the Lord to help us, our families, and our churches live our biblical principals in everyday life. Psalm 121
    Pray for the Church to be steadfast, strong, and abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58
    Pray for the Holy Spirit to give wisdom on how to pray for the specific needs of the people. Romans 8;26
    Pray for the church to have a renewed revelation of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Ephesians 2:4
    Pray for unity among all churches. Romans 15:5-7
    Pray for salvation of all who have yet to know the love of God. John 3:16-17
    Pray for the church to be steadfast in love and faithfulness to one another. Proverbs 3:3-4
    Pray that God will continue to place men and woman of faith in positions of authority within the government and they will continue to live holy lives. Proverbs 16:17-18
    Pray for all the people, in every sphere of public and private life, to hear the Gospel and be saved. Romans 10:9-10
    Pray for the church to share the Gospel and disciple new believers effectively.
    Matthew 28:18-20
    Pray for the elected local officials to support biblical values on all local issues. Proverbs 21:1-3
    Pray that we, personally, will live authentic and godly lives, seeking revival first in our own hearts. Romans 14:17
    Pray for the needs of those suffering in your city: the homeless, poor, sick, and lonely. Romans 12:20
    Pray that Christians will be salt and light, living godly lives in home and in public. Mathew 5:13-16
    Pray for safety of those serving our country in the military. Pray for encouragement and strength as they are away from their families and for a safe return home. Psalm 91
    Pray that Christians who serve in public and elected positions be directed by the Holy Spirit. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
    Pray for safety from violence, evil, and pride. Ask that God will unite the church. 1 Corinthians 1:10
    Pray for pastors to have boldness as they proclaim the Gospel and lead congregations. Acts 9;28
    Pray for the church to be aware of areas of sin, to be cleansed where there is error, and to established where there is good. Ephesians 4:1-3
    Pray for Christians to repent of sin and experience a season of revival from the Lord. Act 3;19
    Pray for renewed revelation of God’s Word that leads to authentic love for God and holy living. Hebrews 4:12
    Pray for pastors and their families to be strengthened. 1 Corinthians 9;16
    Pray for Christians to be salt and light through humble hearts, acts of service, and the sharing of the Gospel. John 13:34-35
    Pray for wisdom for individuals in leadership as they make decisions for communities and the nation. James 1:5
    Pray for strength for God’s people to uphold justice and stand against sin in the world. Psalm 7
    Pray for peace and calmness in the streets and neighborhoods. Matthew 5;9
    Pray for the Lord to guide the leaders of all nations and help bring truth and light into the world. Colossians 1:9
    Pray for Go’s message to each state and nation and ask that Jesus will be glorified in all we do. Acts 1:8
    Pray for revival in our cities, our states, our nation, and all nations. Psalm 51-10-

  18. I can’t imagine choosing between burning at twoK degrees or jumping, tbe way some were. God. No one deserves that. All individuals lost in 911 were so brave.

  19. of course people will have their opinions on this man’s story but you can all be mad at him for whatever reason for telling his side of the story on what his experience was like. if you have a negative comment maybe this is not the site to post it on because quite frankly no one wants to hear it. a lot of people lost their lives that day and those who live to tell it like this man were very fortunate. it’s very upsetting to hear people say oh that was not god or oh what about the people who also prayed and their answers never came. no one really knows what went down that day with the exception of the people who were there. just pray for those souls that were lost that day. anything else is irrelevant

  20. My best friend, Angel Irizarry, worked on that floor (81st of the South Tower) also. He survived as well. But he has NEVER returned to NYC since, and has kept himself completely away from any attention.

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