Did guardian angels save man from vicious dogs?


By Ronald D. Mallett — The dogs were purebred boxers…. a fine tan color. One had been military and police trained. They were heavyweights, bred to be ideal attack dogs.

The owner’s kids would leave a gate open for their escape now and then, but the canines quickly returned when called. One day the male took a dump in my front yard and then tried to cover it up by scratching clumps of grass over it.

I opened the front screen door, stepped out, and yelled at him to go home. Much to my horrified surprise… he took after me in full attack mode. I barely got back inside when he hit the screen door full force. Had his huge paws hit the glass rather than the aluminum panels it would have shattered and he would have secured entry.

From this point on he and his mate considered us adversaries. A few weeks went by and the male got out again and immediately sped — growling and slobbering — toward my terrified wife. She ran into the garage with him closing fast and barely got through the kitchen door, against which he then slammed into with full force.

She had been hurt and I thought she had been bitten, but a quick check told me otherwise and I called the police. They responded and counseled the neighbor on keeping the dogs penned in their back yard.

A few weeks passed without further incidents… but then… I was pulling some weeds along our driveway when I heard barking and looked up to see that both of the heavyweight boxers had me on their radar and were closing fast.

I stood stunned for a moment, frozen in an ocean of despair — wondering how to protect myself. I backed up instinctively and tripped backwards over a strip of steel garden edging.

They were instantly at my feet and my only thought was a ridiculous (“this is really going to hurt”)!

Then, Glory to God, an astounding turn of events happened.

The pair of slavering boxers looked up in terror at something standing behind me on our front porch. They spun around, yipping in fear and headed home at mach-1 speed.

I rolled onto my belly and looked back to see what saved me. There was nothing there… nothing that I could see.

Shaking like a leaf, I thanked God and then I knew. A guardian angel had materialized and saved me. That I knew for certain because I had seen them at work before.

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:11-12 .

God is real. Jesus is real. And I believe guardian angels are real. There are tens of thousands, perhaps millions of other stories similar to mine, all lending weight to the argument for their existence, helping us in times of extraordinary need.


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