Indian church planter started small, then God enlarged his vision


By Michael Ashcraft —

Born to a Hindu father and Christian mother near Chennai, India, Mohan Gopal worried in the 10th grade about whether he would go to Heaven. The question came up in his mind because he was thinking about immigrating to America and didn’t know what dangers he might encounter.

“These questions were making me worry whether am I ready for God’s coming,” he told God Reports. “Then I felt and committed my life to Jesus.”

Today based in Connecticut, Mohan leads a church-planting movement that started in the Indian subcontinent and is expanding from China to Mexico.

He was baptized in December 1990 soon after receiving Jesus. He received the gift of speaking in tongues a few months later.

Almost immediately, he felt called to help plant churches, so he consulted his Christian brothers and pastors. He also devoured Christian books on the subject.

Mohan, as a young man in India

After receiving clarity, he began evangelizing on Sunday evenings in a nearby village — an unreached area he accessed on his bicycle.

He earned an engineering degree from the University of Madras, Hosur, Tamil Nadu, India, and got a job. The area around his workplace became his next evangelization target.

“By the grace of God, we planted the very first church in the year 2001 in a village by regular visitation and gospel work,” he says. “It was a great experience God gave to me.”

From that initial success, he launched out into village ministry.

Mohan started connecting with pastors, whom he supported with his own earnings as an engineer. Ten more churches were planted in India.

He studied computers and started working in IT, which opened the door for him and his family to come to American in 2012. He is currently based in Connecticut.

Mohan continues to reach out and establish contact with workers in the field, to support with teaching, prayer and sometimes finances.

Mohan in the 12th grade in Chennai

While everybody was locked down during Covid, Mohan found it to be an ideal time to be praying. On May 20, 2020, he prayed all night, asking for the nations of the world. God birthed “Universal Apostolic Ministries” that night with the vision to reach Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist and communist countries.

He is focused currently on church plants in Buddhist countries: Myanmar, Bhutan and Thailand; Islamic countries: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Tajikistan; Hindu countries: India and Nepal; communist country: China; and other countries: Philippines and Mexico.

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Related content: One of Mohan’s workers in Bangladesh whose house was set on fire.

About this writer: Michael Ashcraft pastors a church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.


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