Help is Only a Whisper Away


helpBy Carol Round – “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth”—Psalm 121:2 (ESV).

In a devotional by Pat Butler Dyson, she shared the grief her family was experiencing at the loss of a grandson who died during delivery. Her grandson’s death brought back memories of the loss of her own son, who was only three years old when he passed away from meningitis.

Contemplating the grief her son and his wife were facing sent the normally “strong-in-a-crisis” woman into a tailspin. Distraught with grief, she cried out, “Lord, I can’t do this.”

In addition, Dyson was battling a severe migraine. Normally lasting only 10 to 15 minutes, this time the migraine lasted for hours, resulting in a trip to the emergency room, followed by scan after scan. Her plea to God became, “I can’t do this! Jesus, help me.”

Jesus, Help Me

Have you ever been in so much distress you cried out to Jesus for help? More than once, I’ve been so desperate I whispered those same words, “Jesus, help me.”

Though the situation didn’t change immediately, I was filled with God’s peace and heard that still, small voice whispering, “I’m here with you.”

There have been times when my pleas for help were answered almost as soon as the words escaped my lips. Those instances of an immediate answer were reminders of God’s love for me, one of His children in need.

In Times of Need

Hebrews 4:16 is a reminder to “come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”

Whether in times of abundance or lack, in peace or in chaos, we can find examples in scripture of those who relied on the Lord for their every need. Remember blind Bartimaeus who wouldn’t be silent? Even when others tried to silence him, Bartimaeus kept calling out until Jesus restored his eyesight.

The unnamed woman in Mark 5:25-34 is another example of someone bold enough to ask Jesus for healing. For 12 years, this woman had hemorrhaged and wanted to be healed. When Jesus walked through the crowd of people that day, she reached out and touched the hem of His garment. Immediately she was healed. It was her boldness that led her to Jesus for healing.

Depending on Jesus

When life is overwhelming, we often forget how much God loves us and wants to restore our hope. I know I do. In my desire to remain strong, I forget how weak I really am and how much I need my Heavenly Father.

Even the Evangelist Billy Graham knew “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement,” he once said. “I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.’”

At the end of her devotional, Dyson recalled that with Jesus’ help, her family rose above the grief of losing a grandchild. She knew they’d make it through the trial because “help is only a whisper away.”

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Photo credit: Gleb Lucky on Unsplash