Sharia ‘enforcement’ in UK? One Christian convert says so.


By Michael Ashcraft —

A Muslim convert to Christianity in the United Kingdom has come “under siege” for apostasy, he says on an Apologetics Roadshow YouTube video.

“I was called a Jew dog,” says Nissar Hussain, born in the UK to Pakistani immigrants. “You suffer hatred, contempt. It starts off mocking, jeering, dehumanizing. They painted graffiti on my home. Car torchings, car rummings (rummaging through), drive-by brickings, you are under siege. We were forced out of our one home.

“It is Sharia enforcement.”

Nissar lived in Bradford in West Yorkshire, a city 25% Pakistani demographic. Bradford has a lower-than-UK median wage and higher unemployment, which means housing is more affordable. Nissar, who works as a nurse, was forced to move to a more expensive neighborhood.

Nissar Hussain and his wife Kubra.

The onslaught culminated in November of 2015 when two men attacked him alone with a pick-axe handle. They knee-capped him. Some Polish immigrants down the street came to his rescue, prompting his attackers to flee. Nissar wound up in the hospital. “I was almost bludgeoned to death,” he says.

No one was ever arrested for the attack despite it being videoed by CCTV nearby. “As per usual, the police brushed it under the carpet,” Nissar says.

In Islamic countries like Pakistan, Sharia law penalizes apostasy, the leaving of Islam, with the death penalty. While Ali Dawah and other Muslim advocates for Sharia law on YouTube caution that the death penalty should only be applied in officially sanctioned Islamic nations, his frequent and “proud” support of the death penalty may be having the effect of inciting brash radicals to take matters in their own hands.

CCTV captured footage of Nissar’s attackers, but police never made an arrest. They are afraid of Muslim violence of being called Islamophobic, Nissar says.

It’s been 12 years since the latest freelance attempt to assassinate Salman Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses (critical of Islam). Extremist furor is not limited to the the immigrant author from the Indian subcontinent — and it has not subsided.

Nissar converted to Christianity in 1996. He is married with six kids, all of whom have been subjected to religious persecution. Unluckily, it was a friend who notified the radicals of Nissar’s conversion, setting off the violent backlash. The friend was upset by Nissar’s conversion and turned his back on him, Nissar says.

Twice Nissar has had to abandon his home and start over in a new area. UK police have “failed to take decisive action because of fear of being labeled a racist, the key word that they use is Islamophobic,” Nissar says.

Nissar and his family.

Police inaction constitutes “aiding and abetting” the extremists, Nissar says. Hatun Tash, who ministers to Muslims at Speaker’s Corner, says that whenever police need to show up at her house, they’re Muslim officers. Having Muslim officers is important for proper policing of a diverse populace, but soon after a Muslim cop shows up on her doorstep, hooded figures begin stalking her, she says.

“Nothing has prepared me or my family for this type of onslaught,” Nissar says. “You are treated as a third class scum of the earth that needs to be eradicated from the earth. You are treated as an infidel dog. Sharia enforcement is very much alive and kicking.”

In November 2016, 10 “Swat-style” police rushed in to save Nissar and his family after gathering intelligence that indicated extremists had plotted to imminently finish him off. They were escorted by four police vehicles out of the neighborhood, Nissar says.

“Ex Muslims live in terrible danger and jeopardy because of Islamic sharia enforcement,” he says. “We have lived the last seven years as internally displaced people, as refugees born in our country.

“In Britain, if you leave Islam, you’re a dead man walking.”

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About this writer: Michael Ashcraft pastors a church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.