Convert to Christ stabbed in Iran, arrested in Turkey and U.S., now helping Israel’s war effort

An Iranian in Israel, Ramin Parsa shows unequivocal support for the nation his old regime plots to destroy. (All photos are used with permission from Ramin)

By Michael Ashcraft –

Ordinarily, an Iranian agent in Israel would set off alarms, but THIS Iranian, an agent of Christ, is welcomed warmly.

Ramin Parsa, now an American citizen married to an Israeli, is cooking daily for 1,500 internally displaced Israelis and IDF soldiers, to whom he shares his testimony.

“We go to the military bases and tell them how much we love them and comfort them. We bring them special food,” Ramin told God Reports. “When they find out I’m Iranian, they really pay attention. That’s the reason God is really using my testimony.”

Ramin has never been an undercover Christian. Since converting to Christ inside Iran in 2005, Ramin has been a visible evangelizer of Muslims.

Ramin has not taken up arms in support of Israel. He poses here with arms only to underscore his level of sentiment.

After being stabbed in Iran, arrested in Turkey, and even arrested in America for his faith, the persecuted pastor knows no fear. Defying Iran’s terror regime, he posed for photos with IDF soldiers.

“I want to send a message to the Islamists that hey we are here for Israel no matter what,” he says.

The current Hamas conflict is a proxy war supported by Iran. On Oct. 7, 3,000 Palestinian militants invaded Israel, killing 1,139 and taking 240 hostages back into Gaza.

As a result, 500,000 Israelis have been internally displaced. Israel struck back in an attempt to neutralize the extremist Hamas leadership which launched the attack, Gaza’s fifth war in its unceasing attempt to wipe Israel off the face of the map.

Born in Iran, Ramin began to question his Islamic faith when his father died. He converted after he watched Christian TV programming via satellite. Persecuted by the extremist Iranian government, he came to America as a refugee in 2008 and began evangelizing Muslims.

Why would an Iranian support Israel? IDF soldiers listen attentively.

He won so many converts that he established a church in Orange County, CA, to minister to them. About 50 people were attending until the building was sold, and he and his wife felt called to move to Israel in March of this year. He continues to disciple his American converts with Bible studies via the Internet.

Because she’s Israeli and because he’s a full-fledged American citizen, Ramin had no problem immigrating to Netanya, Israel, where he started fund-raising to establish a house of worship, he says. He married three years ago and is learning Hebrew.

Then the Palestinians attacked in October. Thousands of Israelis were forced to leave their homes. Ramin and his wife decided to use the money earmarked for the building to instead cook food for the internally displaced Israelis in Ashkelon, Ashdod and Shoresh.

Ramin Parsa cooks for displaced Israelis.

With the help of 40 Israeli Christians, they cook at a commercial kitchen loaned for that purpose, pack the food in individual boxes, store them in warmers and then distribute to affected areas. The venture has broadened to include military bases, where it is a welcome treat to soldiers used to mostly bland fare, Ramin says.

“We give them a special meal to show them we appreciate them,” Ramin says.

Ramin is an example for cowardly Christians.

In August of 2018, Ramin went to Bloomington, MN’s Mall of America to evangelize Somalia Muslim immigrants after a Somali terror group called on Muslims to commit killing sprees at malls in America. The Mall of America was named as a target.

He was arrested.

It was a flabbergasting moment. He had been stabbed in Iran as part of the anti-Christian terror. He had been arrested in Turkey. Then he came to the Land of the Free and the Home of the (not so) Brave, where he was arrested.

Ramin with his wife of three years.

Fortunately, the charges were dropped.

Since the Ayatollah Khomeini led a coup in Iran in 1979 to overhaul the secular government and institute a fanatical Islamist hierarchy, Iran has force-fed its population with anti-Israel vitriol in media and schools. As an unknowing child, Ramin himself believed the propaganda when shown caricatures of IDF soldiers killing Palestinian children.

But when he accepted Christ and faced persecution himself, he wised up. Like most born-again Christians, he developed a profound love for Israel. As Gen. 12:3 says: “I will bless those who bless you, I will curse those who curse you (Israel).”

On Iran social media pages opposed to the government, Iranian citizens show widespread support of Israel, Ramin says. On the one hand, they are so distrustful of their own government that they support what it opposes and oppose what it supports.

Ramin prays for IDF soldiers for protection before they go out to battle.

On the other hand, when Mahsa Amini was killed by Iranian police for breaking hijab rules and 3,000 protesters were subsequently slaughtered by Iranian security forces, only Israel defiantly held up her photo at the United Nations as an Iranian official spoke.

“98% of Iranians love Israel,” Ramin says. “They’re oppressed by the regime. They hate the regime. They love whatever the regime hates. The Iranian people are cheering on the Israelis.”

Then too, Iranians are learning their long history of mutual respect and appreciation with Israel, an intertwined history that pre-dates Islam. The Persian king Cyrus supported the re-establishment of Israel. King Darius fasted and prayed for Daniel. Xerxes turned the tables on Haman’s planned Jewish genocide. Artaxerxes sent Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls and Ezra to teach the law and bring revival.

“Persia has a historical bond with Israel,” Ramin says. “People are discovering that bond and they’re saying, ‘Wow, our bond goes way back before Islam.'”

To learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus, click here

About this writer: Michael Ashcraft is also a pastor and a  financial professional in California. 


  1. I find it utterly amazing that Muslim’s turn against citizen’s of the land that gave the so called ‘refugees’ refuge, shelter and help.
    It seems to be deception of the lowest order.
    They really should be sent back from whence they came immediately and if been given citizenship, citizenship immediately revoked!
    How can governments be so wrong, if they let them remain?

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