Prodigal heard voice of God in prison, got ‘whacked’ by the Holy Spirit


By Steve Rees —

A pastor, Rick Scadden possesses a father’s heart of love for young prodigals who – like himself at age 15 – sadly forsake the Lord Jesus through poor decisions early in life.

He knows from personal experience that severe consequences – including time in prison – sometimes results when one strays from God.

From ages 15 to 19, Scadden’s life was a hellish mix of sexual immorality, drug use and alcohol abuse.

At 19-years of age, Scadden foolishly decided to drive while under the influence of alcohol, running red lights, t-boning a car and seriously injuring himself upon impact.

Handcuffed to a hospital bed during his recovery from the crash, Scadden knew his life would end tragically if he continued to run from the Lord.

Sentenced to five years in prison for DUI and other convictions, Scadden heard the same voice that first drew him to Jesus at 15 years of age.

“I heard God ask when I got locked up, ‘Rick, are you ready to come home? Are you done running?’

“In the moment I was in – ‘Yes, God. I’m ready to come home’ – was my answer,” Scadden says.

While incarcerated, he recommitted his life to the Lord Jesus.

“I ended up going headlong into the faith, fully dedicating myself back to Him. I made the determination that that wreck wasn’t going to define my life. I was going to be a man after God’s heart,” Scadden says.

Released from prison in 2010, Scadden settled in Fort Collins, Colorado where he connected to a body of believers.

Four years into his freedom, Scadden reunited with a pastor who had led the youth group where he was saved as a teenager.

Pastor Rick and Lacey Scadden

“I found out he had a church plant in – of all places – Loveland where I was. I turned to my wife and said, ‘We’ve got to go check this out,’” Scadden recalls.

Walking into Citipointe Church Northern Colorado where his friend Aaron Lucas was pastor, Scadden says he was “whacked by the Holy Spirit. He told me, ‘This is where I want you to be.’”

With nearly 20 years of sobriety from alcohol and drug abuse and a fully restored relationship with Jesus, Scadden is the executive pastor.(Citipointe Church Northern Colorado – Where You Matter).

“If it wasn’t for men and women pouring into my life – and God using this scenario to bring me back to Him – then I would be either dead or in prison right now,” says Scadden.

With a heart for prodigals running away from their faith, Scadden says Father God’s plan and purpose for rebellious sons and daughters is to draw them to Himself – just like He did with his life.

Gifted by the Holy Spirit with words of knowledge, Scadden boldly prayed on Christian television for someone addicted to alcohol and drugs, and who was also contemplating ending his or her life.

“I release ministering and warring angels into their home, into their room, into their deepest and darkest despair. I release people from addiction, sexual immorality and pornography,” Scadden intercedes during the broadcast with host Brad Tuttle.

Tuttle, an intercessory prayer leader with Spiritual Warfare Attack Team (SWAT) and Northern Colorado Revivalists, encourages family members to plead the blood of Jesus over prodigals, and to rebuke the devil in Jesus’ name.

“We want to encourage men and women who have straying sons and daughters with this: the most loving thing you can do is pray for them,” says Scadden, who knows from personal experience the father heart of God for prodigals.

Watch Scadden and Tuttle powerfully intercede for prodigals on the television program, Pray Until Saturation Happens (P.U.S.H.), a weekly broadcast ministry of Colorado Prays and the Rocky Mountain Christian Network: (159) PUSH – Pray Until Saturation Happens – Rick Scadden – YouTube