Islamists separate Christian students from Muslim students, kill 25-30 at Nigerian college


Boko Haram, an Islamist militant group, invaded the off campus hostel of Federal Polytechnic College in northern Nigeria late Monday,

Christian students separated, killed, at Nigerian college

allegedly separated Muslim students from Christians and massacred up to 30 Christian students, according to Open Doors.

The attack took place in the city of Mubi in northeastern Nigeria.

The students were systemically slaughtered after being individually questioned according to the Voice of America (VOA). One witness told VOA that the killings took place due to a recent controversy over student elections, but that couldn’t be confirmed.

Daniel Babayi, with the Northern States Christian Association, told VOA he believed the killings were a reprisal attack after 156 people were arrested and accused of being members of Boko Haram in late September.

Open Doors reports that the parents and families of the victims are in mourning and in “indescribable pain.”

“Open Doors is calling on Christians in the West to bear this horrific burden with our brothers and sisters in Mubi and Adamawa state,” says Open Doors USA spokesman Jerry Dykstra. “Nigeria is becoming a killing field. According to Associated Press, Boko Haram has been responsible for almost 700 deaths this year, although it has yet to make a statement claiming responsibility for the attack on Monday night.

“Many of those 700 victims are Christians. Boko Haram’s stated aim is to drive all Christians out of Nigeria and set up Sharia law in all of Nigeria.

“Please pray for the parents, families and friends of the innocent victims of this slaughter. Pray that they will receive the comfort only our Lord can give. Pray that justice will prevail. Pray that Christians will not retaliate.”

The State Department’s 2011 International Religious Freedom Report released a few weeks ago stated: “In Nigeria, attacks by elements of the violent extremist sect Boko Haram claimed the lives of both Christians and Muslims. The government did not effectively quell rising hostility or investigate and prosecute those responsible for violence.”

Nigeria is ranked No. 13 on the 2012 Open Doors World Watch List of 50 countries which are the worst persecutors of Christians. According to the World Watch List, Nigeria had at least 300 martyrs in 2011, although the actual number could be closer to 1,000.

An estimated 100 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest and even death for their faith in Christ, with millions more facing discrimination and alienation. Open Doors supports and strengthens believers in the world’s most difficult areas through Bible and Christian literature distribution, leadership training and assistance, Christian community development, prayer and presence ministry and advocacy on behalf of suffering believers.


  1. More Muslim “tolerance” and “love” being displayed here. The religion of violence raises its ugly head yet again.

  2. my heart is heavy for my family members, in Nigeria, who are suffering due to discrimination, imprisonment, deprivation, and murder. i have to continue to bring my Fathers, Mothers, Brothers, and Sisters to the throne of our FATHER and pray for their immediate release from their tortures–which become my tortures, too, because this is the least that i can do for them. also, will i learn to pray for Boko Haram to come to JESUS, WHO wants to be their SAVIOR, HIGH PRIEST, and INTERCESSOR–Hebrews 7:25? since i am not one of God’s Children, who are in Nigeria, i cannot say how they should feel about Boko Haram, since i am not pers0nally there suffering with Jesus’ Children in Nigeria; however, i can learn also to bring all of the Boko Haram, and their families, to the throne of Christ, concerning their need for HIS salvation of their souls, so that their names also will be written in THE LAMB’S Book of Life. can’t i?

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