Blind Chinese activist will come to U.S., accept post at NY University Law School


Secretary Clinton announced today an agreement that allows Chen Guangcheng and his family to come to the U.S.  Chen will reportedly

Chen and his family

accept a fellowship to New York University Law School. US officials stated they were working to expedite Chen’s departure, probably in the next few days.

“This announcement is important and reflect’s Chen’s wishes,” said Bob Fu, ChinAid President. We commend Secretary Hillary Clinton and US Ambassador Gary Locke for working on this after the initial deal fell apart. But it was the media who made this story a global phenomena, along with brave Chinese rights defenders, they kept the pressure on and it led to a good result. Chen is so widely popular now, Beijing probably wants him in New York as soon as possible.”

ChinaAid remains concerned about Chen’s family members and the many rights defenders who remain in China. Chen’s frail mother remains detained, his brother Chen Guangfu and nephew Chen Kegui will be sentenced, and the netizens who helped Chen escape, like He “Pearl” Pierong, still face charges. Also, famed human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong was beaten on Friday morning for trying to visit Chen. He reportedly has lost hearing after the beating.”

“The fight for freedom and rights continues,” said Fu. “Beijing gives Chen freedom with one hand and beats rights defenders with the other. ChinaAid will remain vigilant.”


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