Jewish group predicts Obama will head U.N. after he leaves presidency


By Mark Ellis

Barack Obama speaking at U.N.
Barack Obama speaking at U.N.

The editorial staff of The Jewish Voice predicts that Barack Obama will lead the United Nations after he finishes his current term as president of the United States.

“We bet our bottom dollar Barack Obama will get his next paycheck (from the U.N.) when he retires from his present job in 2017,” the editorial states. “He’ll assume the residence at Sutton Place, as its next Secretary General with all the perks he and his family are accustomed to, but this time at the expense of the world community.”

The editorial notes that most Americans probably cannot name the current secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon of South Korea. And few know that Kurt Waldheim, an Austrian with former involvement with the Nazis in WWII, headed the U.N. from 1972 until 1981.

“During his terms in office Israel was condemned and tarnished by the UN for its ‘brutal persecution’ of the Palestinians. And that continues to this date,” the editorial notes.

The editorial charges that there have been “ few positive contributions to society of which this organization can boast. Their ‘troops’ in Africa have been abusing and raping those to whom they are sent to protect.”

“The organization has been useless in its responsibilities to prevent wars, spread of diseases, poverty and most of all, the suppression of the onslaught of Islamic terror.”

Countries at odds with the values of the U.S. often control the votes of the U.N., while the American public has funded its operations with billions of dollars.

“We New Yorkers can see the delegates of these member countries, with their colorful outfits strutting around the city, their cars parked wherever they please, and while many of their countrymen live in poverty and neglect, they themselves reside in the most expensive habitats in the area. Shameless for their incompetency and disregard for their responsibilities, the corrupt UN and its staffers enjoy life to its fullest: right here,” the editorial states.

The writers are concerned by a scenario in which Obama leads a UN dominated by “radical Islamist nations” and other countries opposed to the U.S.

“Iran and ISIS to whom our president has granted benefits including immunity from military attack and generous opportunities to acquire and deliver nuclear weapons will continue with the nod of ‘his’ U.N.,” they charge.

In this scenario, they also predict the influx of “Islamic Trojan Horses” into Europe will explode, while Progressives in the U.S. look the other way.

“American’s Left will trumpet the laws of the United Nations. And with Obama’s leading role in that organization, there will be a call by our own domestic leaders for our own federal and state constitutions and laws to be scrapped and replaced with the United Nation’s One World order scenario.”

They predict there will be radical elements among the Jewish and Christian leadership “bellowing for a single, one world society where all are equal, no borders, no discrimination, or poverty: a utopia. And at the head of this movement, will be the former President of the United States.”

For the complete editorial go here



  1. Time is running out for humanity – it has gone far away now from the turning point –
    We can only expect the coming New World Order and the Gender Ideology play a crucial role in establishing what is to come.
    Christians and Jews alike should be getting ready for the coming persecution – worldwide.
    We had a preview of that with the Obama administration in a nation, imagine the whole world?
    God protect us from this evil!

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