Michelle Reynoso seldom attended church with her family, but when she did, she felt something.
“When I would walk into the atmosphere of a Christian church, I just felt such a beautiful presence,” Michelle said on her channel. “Literally just walking in through the doors, not even sitting down yet.”
She wanted to know more about Jesus, but couldn’t find any answers at home.
“We would pray to him once a year whenever things would get bad, but it wasn’t like we had a genuine relationship with him,” she says. ”It was kind of just like we would go to him whenever we would need him.”
Middle school brought her downfall. “I remember I tried smoking weed for the first time in seventh grade,” she says. “My mindset was changing a lot too from starting to lie a little bit to growing into more lying into hiding more stuff behind my family’s back.”
She had many friends, a boyfriend, and went to rave parties where she did drugs.
She attempted to fill the void in her heart with temporal satisfactions, but the hollowness within became more pronounced.
“They were fun and they were enjoyable at the time, but they didn’t satisfy me,” Michelle says. “If anything they left me more empty than before.” Michelle said
Nevertheless she persisted in her sin under the illusion that she could find happiness.
Jesus knocked on the door of her heart, but she put him off.
“I don’t want to stop now. Later I’ll come to you when I’ve tried everything, when I’ve lived through so many crazy experiences,” she told him.
But eventually she did stop her sin, at a time she was overwhelmed with despair.

“There has to be more in life,” she said. “I was just done with feeling empty, with feeling lonely despite having all the things that I thought were going to fill me up.”
She started looking for a church and found one with her sister.
“That first time that I went, I felt so at home,” she says.
Finally, she surrendered to Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord. She became a new creature in Christ.
“He told me, ‘Welcome home.’ He welcomed me with open arms. He didn’t hold my past against me. Instead, he wrapped me in love, compassion and mercy.”
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
To learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus, click here
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About this writer: Caleb Campos studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near Los Angeles.