New Age guru appeared on Oprah, then saw the light


By Alex Brick –

Oprah Winfrey’s show has long been seen as a beacon for spiritual exploration, but a former insider claims that behind the scenes, it was also pushing a dark, occultic agenda.

“They are trying to escape reality by going into a fantasy world that is not grounded on the Bible, thinking that you can create, control, manifest, change your life to be your own savior,” former New Age celeb Doreen Virtue says on her YouTube channel. “You can be your own god or goddess.”

After multiple appearances on Oprah and after touring on the New Age circuit for decades, Doreen came to Christ after reading God’s word. She had been a top-selling New Age author and developed Tarot knockoff cards called “Angel cards” used for divination.

Doreen Virtue

“Being on Oprah made us famous overnight, but we didn’t realize the spiritual cost of that fame,” Doreen says. “When you went on her show, it changed your life—but not in a good way. It changed our lives in a dark and demonic way.”

Doreen is sober now, but the booze flowed freely at the parties hosted by her New Age publisher, at which she performed psychic readings for celebrities.

In early 2017, Virtue began reading the Bible, initially out of curiosity. She reports that while reading the Gospel of Matthew, she encountered Matthew 7:15-23, which warns against false prophets and doing works that are not aligned with God’s will.

She recognized aspects of her New Age teachings in the description of false prophets, which convicted her. She realized her teachings had been leading people away from God rather than toward Him.

As she continued reading the Bible, Virtue felt increasingly drawn to Jesus Christ and His teachings. By the power of the Word and the Spirit, she understood that salvation comes through faith in Jesus alone, as opposed to the works-based, self-focused beliefs of the New Age movement.

She surrendered her life to Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and was born again.

She publicly renounced her former practices, including her oracle cards, angel readings, and all New Age teachings. She apologized to her followers for promoting beliefs that contradicted the truth found in the Bible.

Oprah’s personal journey undoubtedly affected her spiritual perspective. She was raised by her grandmother, who was a strong Christian and a strict disciplinarian. Oprah has mentioned that her grandmother’s punishments, such as whipping, were harsh and difficult for her as a child. Despite this, Oprah often credits her grandmother with instilling in her a foundation of faith and an understanding of the Bible, even though she veered considerably off course from traditional Christian teaching.

Oprah has also spoken openly about being sexually abused by relatives and others starting at a very young age, which may have affected her spiritual journey.

Doreen Virtue from her New Age days

Oprah attacked Biblical Christianity repeatedly, Doreen says, showing video clips in which Oprah speaks against sound doctrine. “The Christ consciousness abides with all of us,” she says on one clip.

In another clip, Oprah asks a spiritist to channel the spirit of Mafu.

“I was naive. I didn’t know the devil was using me,” Doreen says.

Other New Age gurus were featured on Oprah with Doreen including Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson and Louise Hay, Doreen notes.

“When we would go on Oprah, our publisher would get so excited that they would contact all of the book distributors and bookstores. Everyone would stock up on our books because they knew that going on Oprah would create instant bestsellers,” Doreen says. “Lots of people would be asking for and buying out books. A lot of the people I toured with went from obscurity to fame because they were on Oprah.”

As a result, the following ideas exploded nationwide: Hindu Arhatic healing, manifesting, channeling, psychic mediumship, necromancy, syncretism, false NDEs. Among the things taught: all people go to Heaven, God loves everyone equally, reincarnation, and Hitler went to Heaven.

“This is a promotion of an anti-Christian, an anti-Christ agenda,” Doreen says. “The devil is competing with God to see how many souls he can deceive. The dangerous occultic New Age teachings that Oprah promotes are leading a lot of people away from the one true way to Heaven.”

Former fellow New Ager Warren B. Smith agrees: “Thanks largely to Oprah, the great heretical idea of ‘God within’ is now a mainstream belief in today’s postmodern progressive culture.”

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About this writer: Alex Brick studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near West Los Angeles.


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