Jesus reveals himself to diehard Muslim


By Abigail Aguilar –

Although Wasim rejected Jesus, Jesus never rejected him.

“I was a hardcore Muslim,” he says on a Fishers of Men Halifax video. “I used to preach against Christianity.”

Wasim publicly challenged street preachers in Bradford, England. He believed that all Muslims and only Muslims would go to Paradise. He attempted to expose and prove street preachers wrong.

One day he clicked on a video entitled “A gift to Jesus lovers,” an Arabic Christian song. Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet and only a prophet, so there wasn’t anything blasphemous about the song at first sight.

As it played, “I felt this warm air blowing on me,” he remembers. “Next there was a burning sensation from head to toe.”

Then he heard an audible voice: I am Jesus, the son of God.

“I got scared,” he recalls. He said to himself, “This can’t be happening. I’m a Muslim. Allah doesn’t have a son.”

Still, the Holy Spirit came upon him.

“The sad part is I told this experience to leave me alone,” he tells. “I rejected this experience because no matter how powerful, how beautiful the experience was , I was such a strict Muslim in my close-mindedness.”

Over the coming weeks, his spiritual deadness continued. He even disconnected from Islam for a couple of years. Still he wondered about what he experienced and asked himself why he rejected it. It had been a beautiful experience.

In 2018, he tried to seek Allah once again and was praying when he saw a “scary face” in the sky.

“I felt darkness all around me,” he says. “I thought Allah wanted to kill me.”

At that moment, Jesus intervened. “I heard a voice saying, You have eternal life,” he narrates.

But another voice said, “Leave him alone.”

Then the darkness left, and the scene was completely taken over by light.

“It was a spiritual warfare,” he explains.

For weeks, Wasim battled between returning to Islam or pursuing Jesus. Finally, he made the momentous decision to get baptized.

“As soon as I came out of the water, I was transformed,” he says of the 2018 act. “I became born again. I became a child of God. My face was glowing. I felt all this heat all over my body. I felt transformed. I felt so alive. I never felt so alive in my whole life.”

“Though I rejected the Lord Jesus, Jesus never rejected me.”

To learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus, click here.

Related content: British Muslim model comes to Christ, blinded by the light like Paul, Muslim witchcraft didn’t work against him, he bought Muslim books to impress his parents.

About this writer: Abigail Aguilar studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near Central Los Angeles.