Ghost hunters married, discovered the truth about who they were contacting


By Donny Ndoka –

There was a time when Corey and Kristin Deel thought they were ghost hunters. But an encounter with the living God persuaded them otherwise.

“We were avid ghost hunters,” Corey explains on a Tetelestai on the Cross video. “People called us because they had a ghost problem.”

Corey belonged to the Texas Ghost Society. Kristin was a member of the Oregon Ghost Society. They had cameras, K2 meters and other such devices to detect when people called them out to their home or residence with a ghost problem.

“We were under the impression we were helping the ones (ghosts) who were stuck due to unfinished business cross over into the light. By talking to the ghosts we thought we were helping them to cross over, because there was something they needed to say,” Corey explains.

But the now-married couple found out it was all a spiritual hoax.

For her part, Kristin suddenly felt an evil presence rush up to her try to scare her one day after doing a ghost hunt. “I opened a portal for them to come into my life,” she says.

For his part, Corey wound up “partially possessed” by demons, he says. “I still have a scar on my back from where that demon scratched me,” he says. “I started violently shaking, convulsing. I felt rage, anger, aggression. I’ve never though of killing, but in that moment I wanted to.”

He was feeling the emotions of the demon, not his own, he says.

Those scary experiences led Corey and Kristin to reexamine what they believed about ghosts. Eventually, they both surrendered their lives to Jesus, were born again, and got married. They read the scriptures and learned that souls cannot cross over from death to communicate with the living (Luke 16). They learned they had been attempting to communicate with demons (Ephesians 6). They discovered that they have authority in Jesus over the demonic realm.

Corey and Kristin got blowback from their decision to repent and expose demons. They’ve felt spiritual warfare and illness they believe was linked to battling forces of darkness.

Despite the satanic opposition, the couple remains strong in their faith, warning others of the dangers of the occult.

“After reading the Bible and becoming born-again, we realized the truth: We were demon hunters. We were dabbling in the occult.”

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About this writer: Donny Ndoka studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near Playa Vista Los Angeles.


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