Courageous believers praising Jesus, praying for Israel in Amsterdam


By Charles Gardner —

Presence Revival Amsterdam (YouTube)

I stand in awe at the courage and passion of our Dutch Christian friends who have once again taken to the streets of Amsterdam to worship the Jewish Messiah and pray for Israel!

Less than two weeks after the shocking pogrom broke out against Israeli football fans there, I watched (on YouTube) the Presence Revival musicians and singers return to the scene of the crime – the city’s main square.

The movement’s leader, Wim Hoddenbagh, begged Jewish forgiveness for what happened and led prayers for the ‘sanctification’ of the square as many fell to their knees placing their hands on the stone paving.

Presence Revival Amsterdam (YouTube)

Their actions reminded me of the war-time Christian heroine Corrie ten Boom whose Dutch family risked their lives hiding Jews from the Nazis.

Against the backdrop of Christmas lights, Wim reminded listeners of Isaiah’s prophecy, “Unto us a child is born” (Isaiah 9:2), referring to the Jewish Messiah’s birth which was to be a blessing for all the world.

God’s patience with Israel (over the centuries) was a guarantee of his patience with us, he said, reminding the world of his covenant of love with his “treasured possession” on whom he had set his affection, not because they were more numerous than other peoples, but because of his everlasting love for them (see Deuteronomy 7:6-9).

“This is why I will pray for Israel till my last breath…praying that the Messiah will show himself to his people,” he explained.

As the first group allowed on the square since the brutal attacks, they were surrounded by a significant crowd representing many nations. Prayers were said in numerous languages after Wim asked people to raise their hands if they spoke anything apart from Dutch and English. Individuals representing Iran, Ghana, Brazil, China, Italy, Poland, Germany, Latin America, Turkey and Tajikistan all prayed in their native tongue.

The worship, as ever, was hauntingly beautiful as faces shone with heavenly rapture, reflecting a passionate intimacy with Jesus through lyrics that included the words “I’m desperate for you, I’m lost without you”.

The November 7 pogrom broke out just two days before the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the so-called ‘Night of Broken Glass’ that marked the beginning of the Holocaust.

As I said before, I felt it was Satan’s backlash at the new territory won for Jesus in a place where the devil has caused so much havoc over the years. And I sensed that the crowd joining in the worship I watched has significantly grown, with more people eager to take part.

“Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot in vain?” The Lord will have the last laugh as he installs his king on Zion, his holy mountain. “Kiss his son, or he will be angry, and your way will lead to your destruction…” (See Psalm 2)

Keep praying for Israel. Those who bless her will be blessed, but those who curse her will come under God’s judgment (Genesis 12:3, Numbers 24:9).