By Mark Ellis –

A collective sigh of relief was uttered among Washington insiders when Matt Gaetz withdrew his nomination for US Attorney General.
It is expected his replacement, Pam Bondi, will sail through the confirmation process with relative ease.
A self-described prophet named Charlie Shamp delivered a very intriguing prophecy on November 10, 2018. Shamp, founder of Destiny Encounters International, says he has been “commissioned by Heaven as a Prophet,” and states on his website that he has predicted major world events including “presidential elections, catastrophic natural disasters, revealing government corruptions and exposing terrorism plots.”

This is the text of his prophetic word delivered in 2018 that may or not relate to Pam Bondi: (Note: At the time it was delivered, there was no thought that Donald Trump would successfully return to the presidency in 2024 after a loss in 2020; Pam Bondi was serving as Florida’s attorney general.)
“I heard the Lord say, ‘Watch what I will do in the coming days in the state of Florida. Yes, watch the election votes, but watch, for someone great will begin to shine from the Sunshine state. A woman will arise from this place to bond the nation back together again. She will take her place and will fight to make America great.
‘She will be strong and courageous to fight the battles, watch her closely for she carries a mantle of Justice and Righteousness upon her shoulders. She will carry a double portion of the anointing of Joseph and serve in the court of Pharaoh. She will advise and even interpret the American Dream. She will not bend or even break, but will bond, mend and restore. She will fight for America and bind up its wounds. Where there has been victimization in this nation there will be victory! In the days ahead she will stand and be strong. She will fight. She will win. She will be a part of making America great again!’”
According to The Roys Report, “Shamp was one of several dozen charismatic/Pentecostal leaders who said in the fall of 2020 that God had mandated a second term for Trump in 2021.”
That makes him a false prophet.
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