State asks parents to stop calling their children sons and daughters


By Jalen Jenkins –

In an effort to remake society to be more “inclusive,” the Vermont Department of Health is asking all parents in the state to stop referring to their own children as sons and daughters.

Use “child” or “kid” instead, a VDH post in August said. “This is gender-neutral and can describe a child who may not be someone’s legal son or daughter.” The VDH writes on a Facebook post.

According to an NBC news article, VDH told the National desk their post, “was intended to encourage using inclusive language when you don’t know someone’s family situation.”

“The language we use matters! Many families and students are getting ready for the new school year. Equity in the classroom is an essential piece of a productive and healthy learning environment,” VDH says. “When talking about family, it’s important to use terms that cover the many versions of what family can look like.”

The VDH also stressed the importance of the use of this inclusive vocabular in classrooms to help children feel more “seen” and “respected.”

Teachers at the Essex Westford School District in Vermont took things one step further. Instead of calling people men or women, they now say, “person who produces sperm” and “person who produces eggs.”

Instead of teaching their children to face biological reality, the VDH wants them to let their kids decide for themselves what feels right for them.

Many companies and nonprofits are using this agenda to influence young minds to accept alternative lifestyles, but this is leading to more confused children, teens, and young adults.

One of these companies is Mattel who, in 2019, created a gender neutral doll featuring various extensive pronouns, including they, them, xe, and xem, according to a 2019 Time magazine article.

While it’s good to encourage imagination and creativity in young people, it steps over a line when children are asked to choose their own pronoun and gender at young and impressionable ages.

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About this writer: Jalen Jenkins studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near the San Fernando Valley, CA.