Army training says pro-lifers are terrorists


By Shayla Papik –

For the past seven years, the United States Army has labeled pro-life groups “terrorists” in trainings given to 9,100 soldiers, according to multiple media reports.

“How in the world does something like that go on for so long and no one in leadership catches it?” Republican Rep. Jim Banks asked in congressional hearings on the politicization of the military service by ideological extremists.

Leaked in July, part of the slide show training of the Army.

Leaked in July, images from a slide presentation shown to soldiers at Fort Liberty in North Carolina depicted the pro-life organizations Operation Rescue and National Right to Life as potentially terrorist organizations.

Furthermore, the presentation said that simply being opposed to Roe v. Wade or being pro-life and anti-abortion are red flags for terrorist thinking, the slide roll alleges. As proof, the slides include attempted murder and bombings of abortion facilities.

Operation Rescue rally

(The slides ignored a 2022 study by the Crime Prevention Research Center which demonstrated that violent attacks against pro-lifers occurred 2,250% more often than attacks against pro-choicers.)

When the slide deck came to light, the Congressional House Committee of Armed Services opened investigations asking pointed questions to the Army and the Biden-run Department of Defense. Rep. Banks charges the DOD with evading questions and accountable for “furthering a personal viewpoint.”

“There have been no consequences for the employee who ran anti-life training sessions at Fort Liberty that clearly violated Army policy,” Rep. Banks said. “The Biden-Harris DOD won’t back off its efforts to politicize our military.”

A group of 50 members of the Senate and House of Representatives sent a letter demanding answers from Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth.

“The American public expects the Department of Defense and its personnel to defend the homeland from actual terrorists, not Americans who seek protections for children in the womb,” the letter said. “Labeling Pro-Life organizations as threats challenges servicemembers’ moral obligation to defend and protect even the smallest among us. In fact, around half of all Americans identify as Pro-Life.”

Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life, said the slide presentation is “deeply offensive to pro-life Americans across the nation.”

“Fort Liberty promoted outright lies about National Right to Life in a demonstration of lazy scholarship,” she said. “In our over 50-year history, National Right to Life has always, consistently, and unequivocally, condemned violence against anyone.”

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About this writer: Shayla Papik studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near West Los Angeles.


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