‘Praying Grandma’ sentenced for entering Capitol January 6th


By Michael Ashcraft –

J6 Praying Grandma avoided jail, but was hit with a substantial misdemeanor fine and other penalties.

For praying in the Capitol Building during the Jan. 6, 2021 Washington D.C. pro-Trump rally, Rebecca Lavrenz, 72, was threatened with five years in jail – where she said she would die.

But Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui opted for less, sentencing her to home confinement for six months and a $103,000 fine to send a message against “egregious conduct.”

Lavrenz attended the infamous “Steal the Vote” protest because she felt called by God to do so, she said. She prayed outside the Capitol Building and then walked with the crowd that she says guards beckoned inside. She looked around and after 10 minutes exited the building, video footage shows.

The “Steal the Vote” rally got rowdy.

She says she prayed inside the building.

For that crime, federal prosecutors wanted to put her behind bars. Her case achieved notoriety because of her age, her gender and her purpose of prayer didn’t seem to fit the bill of an “insurrectionist.”

She became known as J6 Praying Grandma (J6 for Jan. 6).

More than 1,000 Americans have been arrested and charged for participating in events that day. After four long years, only half of them have been sentenced due to backlog, suggesting that the government bit off more than it could chew.

Video shows the Praying Grandma inside the Capitol Building

Before she knew her fate, Lavrenz told the Pike’s Peak-area Gazette that she didn’t like the prospect of going to jail but had resigned herself to the worst and was at peace about it.

“I don’t think it’s right. I’m not happy about it,” she said. “But I’d rather be in prison obeying God than be out doing what I want to do.”

Lavrenz, a retired nurse, runs a bed-and-breakfast in her home in Falcon, east of Colorado Springs. She and her lawyers said the courts were overly zealous: “We don’t have a just system; it wasn’t a fair trial,” Lavrenz said. “They’re out to get me no matter what.”

Her lawyer John Pierce had said: “Outrageously, the government seeks to imprison this peaceful, nonviolent, elderly, retired, first-time offender for months in jail merely because Lavrenz has been forthright in informing her fellow Americans about the criminal justice system for Jan. 6 defendants.”

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About this writer: Michael Ashcraft pastors a church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles


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