Muslim lost sight after dream about Jesus


By Caleb Campos –

After meeting Jesus in a vision, Jahir Israel went blind.

“When I saw that light in the sky, I didn’t know exactly it was Jesus but I knew he was coming,” Jahir says on a Swalesmusic video. “The light was shining from his face. He said, ‘I am Jesus Christ your father. Your family will forsake you, but I never will.

“Then I woke up and I lost my sight.”

Jahir Israel was raised in a Muslim family in London. When he went off to college, he fell in love with a non-Muslim girl, something very taboo in Islam. When he visited his family, he kept the girlfriend a secret.

Another thing he did in secret was to visit a church. His former boss at the call center, a Hindu, converted to Christ and saw him on the street and invited him to church.

Jahir was very surprised and wanted to know more.

At church, the Holy Spirit was moving. People fell down under the power of the Holy Ghost. Demons were exorcized. People were miraculously healed.

“I witnessed a supernatural power of God,” Jahir says. “I cannot deny the power. My heart started to change. It started to beat faster, faster, faster. Then tears were coming down.”

The next week, he attended service again. Even to doubt Islam is a grave sin. To leave it altogether is punishable by death or being disowned by your family, in some cases.

Initially, he didn’t tell his parents about becoming a Christian or about his girlfriend.

They found out when he visited them, and his girlfriend called. Jahir grabbed the phone quickly, but his mom saw the name appear on the screen first.

Jahir ran upstairs and talked. He ended it by saying, “I love you.”

His mom was eavesdropping.

She stormed into the room.

“Who is it?” she demanded. “Who are you talking to?”

He lied.

She pressed him.

God spoke to his heart to tell her the truth.

Mom called his father, who left work immediately and came home.

Once his parents panicked, once the Islamic overdrive harsh alarm ignited, there was no way to de-escalate.

He tried to tell them to give his girlfriend a chance. They were outraged. He had to marry a Muslim girl.

They even called the imam to cast out demons.

The next day came the ultimatum. Dad demanded Jahir return home, drop school, quit his job, leave his apartment, and, above all, dump the girl. He gave him a few hours to consider his answer.

Jahir was troubled. He didn’t want to be disowned, but he liked the girl. And behind the issue on the surface was the larger issue of following Jesus and becoming an apostate in Islam.

As he sat in his room, he reached out to his friends. Without exception, his Muslim friends all backed away. It was a hot potato too hot for them to touch.

The only friend who stood behind him was his Hindu friend who had become a Christian, who had led him to Christ.

“Do you really want to know God?” his friend said.

“Yes,” he responded.

“Ask Him,” the friend replied.

Jahir went to his bedroom and kneeled down.

“Allah, I don’t believe in you anymore,” he prayed. “Jesus, if you are the truth, the way and the life, show me right now in a dream. If you are my Savior and my Lord, I’ll believe in you.”

Jahir, despite the tempest in his house, lay down and went to sleep.

In the dream, he was being chased by Muslims in his native land. They pursued him with bats and axes to kill him. He ran, jumping over trash cans, to get away. Eventually, he was overtaken and beaten. He became paralyzed from the beating.

“No one was helping me,” he relates. “Then I saw a light in the sky. I knew Jesus was coming. He had a long white raiment. There was a light shining from his face and it hit me and I got healed.”

He was no longer paralyzed.

“Your family will forsake you,” Jesus said. “But I never will. I am Jesus Christ, your father. You are my son. I shed my blood for everyone. Believe in me, and I’ll be with you forever. This is how much I love you, Jahir.”

He woke up from the dream.

He couldn’t see. “I rubbed my eyes,” he says. “I was screaming.”

His great fear was to lose his sight. He lay on his bed desperate to see, wondering what was going on.

“Then the light came in the room, and I got healed,” he says.

In fact, he didn’t need glasses anymore. He had worn glasses ever since he was a child.

Today, he has 20/20 vision.

He went to a church meeting.

“Something broke inside of me,” he says. “Jesus Christ broke the yoke.”

He accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord, fully, finally, and officially.

Today, Jahir is a preacher, evangelizing Muslims. The first person that got healed after he prayed for him had a blind eye.

To learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus, click here.

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About this writer: Caleb Campos studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near Los Angeles.