Hamburg Mosque raided, Shi’ite army forming in UK

The Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) was raided by policy for being a proxy to Iran’s supreme leader

By Michael Ashcraft —

A historic mosque in Germany that condemned violence and terror was raided by police and shut down last week for violence and terror.

The Islamic Center Hamburg and its 52 Shi’ite affiliates in Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin were linked to Iran, Hezbollah and anti-semitism, intelligence agencies established.

Yet they said they were peaceful. The IZH, founded in 1962, said last fall that it “condemns every form of violence and extremism and has always advocated peace, tolerance and interreligious dialogue,” news agencies reported.

Such a stance wins the applause of naive pluralists who don’t understand that taqiya is sanctioned by the Koran. As defined by Wikipedia, taqiya is “precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice. Generally, taqiya is the action of committing a sinful act for a pious goal.”

Germany shut the mosque down permanently.

Sheikh Yasser al-Habib And the isle he wants to buy to set up an Islamic utopia with sharia

Meanwhile, a fellow Shiite with an army-in-training has raise £3.5 million to purchase a Scottish island to set up his own little Islamic paradise of sharia law.

Sheikh Yasser al-Habib wants to build his own school, hospital and mosque on the remote isle of Torsa off the Scottish west coast. In a recent video, he begs for more donations and urges believers to join him on this isle.

A asylum refugee himself from Kuwait 20 years ago, Al-Habib called living in Britain being “enslaved to slavery.”

Al-Habib runs military style training camps.

The two incidents point to Europe’s struggles with Muslim immigration. One the one hand, Europe remains committed to receiving refugees since World War 2 when Jews struggled to escape the Holocaust. On the other hand, what do you do when immigrants say openly they want to overthrow and/or replace democracy and western values?

To navigate the rise of Muslim extremism, European leaders have coined the term “Islamists” to distinguish the terrorism-mongers from peaceful Muslims who wish to integrate into society. But the line between Islamist and peace-loving Muslim can be tenuous, and adherents can go back and forth.

Furthermore, the monitoring of suspected terror groups by intelligence agencies is extremely expensive, with estimates up to £9 million a year in Britain.

Ali Dawah says apostates in Britain will be killed under sharia law.

Britain’s response leaves questions. Why is YouTuber Ali Dawah allowed to advocate killing apostates and threaten ex-Muslims on video that once sharia law is established in Britain they will be hunted down?

Why was Hatun Tash’s would-be assassin never apprehended? Why was the attempted murder ignored by legacy media?

Hatun Tash, who evangelizes Muslims at Speaker’s Corner, was knifed by an assailant police never found. She survived.

The most important question for Christians is what will we do?

Increasingly, Europe is a mission field, a battleground where radical Muslims are finishing what Charles Martel stopped.

Over 20 years ago, Jay Smith’s mission group identified London as its next target and sent Jay Smith. He’s been successful in countering militant Islam. But more Christians are needed to study and take to the streets.

This battle is more than just stopping terrorism. It is a battle for the heart and souls of men.

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About this writer: Michael Ashcraft pastors a church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.