Bob the Builder became Christian because of a Muslim

Bob takes on the Muslim Metaphysician (who is in red cap)

By Michael Ashcraft—

A 16-year-old tried to convert 13-year-old Bob to Islam. Instead, Bob, who came from working class parents in Northern England, converted to Christianity. Today, he’s a mainstay at Speaker’s Corner exposing Islam.

“I grew up in an area where there are lots of Muslims,” Bob says on a Critical Witness YouTube interview. “ I went to school with lots of Muslims. It was because some Muslims tried to convert me that I became a Christian.”

Bob, who doesn’t use his last name because he evangelizes convicted terrorists, didn’t know anything about Christianity. So when the Muslim boy asked him if he was a monotheist or trinitarian, Bob didn’t know what these were.

Bob the Builder vs. Mohammed Hijab

“I was so ignorant,” he says. “ But the guy was more interested in winning arguments than winning people’s hearts.”

He proceeded through a very typical Muslim script for winning converts: The Bible is corrupted, the Trinity makes no sense, Mohammed was prophesied in the Bible.

So Bob did what most Christians do not do. He researched. He went to the library and read piles of books about Islam and Christianity.

Bob of Speaker’s Corner invited to preach at Oxford Bible Church.

Inevitably, some Muslim would come up to him and, observing what he was reading, try to convert him. Bob was full of the fact and wound up converting some of those Muslims. Ultimately, the librarian kicked him out for evangelizing, but he said it wasn’t his purpose to win over Muslims originally.

An eminent debater was born. He usually goes for two hours, taking all comers, not just Muslims. He’s faced down the Muslim heavy hitters: Mohammed Hijab, Ali Dawah, the Muslim Metaphysician, among others.

Now that stalwarts such as Dr. Jay Smith and Hatun Tash have largely retired from open air debates, a new generation of crack debaters has arisen, and Bob on YouTube channels SOCO Films and Revelations 22:13 is one of the fearless and respected proponents of Christianity.

Bob the Builder building the kingdom of God

The regulars nickname each other with funny monikers. He became Bob the Builder.

“I’m called Bob the Builder,” he says on an Oxford Bible Church YouTube video. “The reason for that is I evangelize actual terrorists who have been to jail for terrorism. It’s not a wise thing to let your name be known when you’re dealing with such people. It wasn’t by my choice to be called a cartoon character. I’m trying to get off the nickname.”

He prefers simply Bob of Speaker’s Corner. But he is building the kingdom of God.

To learn more about a personal relationship with Jesus, click here.

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About this writer: Michael Ashcraft pastors a church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.


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