Descendant of Francis Scott Key sings National Anthem


By Steve Rees —

A classically trained soprano voice masterfully singing “The Star Spangled Banner” blends magnificently with majestic video scenes from five Rocky Mountain states in a sight and sound creation designed to honor military and prayer warriors on battlefields (and on their knees).

Spiritual warriors from ministries in 10 states including Intercessors For America, Dutch Sheets Ministries, Heartland Apostolic Network (HAPN), Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and High Place Ministries have undergirded the unique video project with prayer and encouragement.

They believe it is a prophetic declaration completed just days before July 4th.

A ministry leader, Jerrie Anne Fortune Salvato honors our country’s National Anthem with her intercessory and singing voice, coupled with scenes captured by United States Air Force veteran Eric Sprinkle, a professional adventure videographer and editor.

Remarkably, Salvato is related to the author of “The Star-Spangled Branner,” Francis Scott Key.

An intercessor for the nations from Colorado, Salvato uses her voice in song and prophetic declaration, honoring all warriors.

Five artists from Colorado Springs, where views of Pikes Peak, Cheyenne Mountain and Garden of the Gods dominate the work of sight and sound, collaborated on the project, offering recording engineering, media production and musical accompaniment.

All five share a passion for prayer.

They prayed for healing in soldiers suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), for military families that have lost loved ones in battle, and spiritual covering for active servicemen and women.

“We are all friends and prayer warriors,” said Karuna Edwards, who produced the video and played keyboards for the musical soundtrack.

“We realized that by putting our talents together we would bless a lot of people with this project,” she added.

Themselves prayer warriors in Colorado Springs, Jim and Candace Brake opened the prayer room in the basement of their home for recording.

Besides military warriors, the project seeks to honor prayer and community leaders who have helped to hold the line for freedom through intercession for the nation, its borders, and leaders.

“We want to honor soldiers and intercessors with this project – soldiers on the battlefield and their families, and all the prayer warriors who fight hard spiritual battles.

“Really all those who stand in prayer for truth and freedom in our communities, whether teachers, lawyers, policemen or writers,” Edwards said.

With PTSD’s impact on soldiers and families lasting for multiple generations, Edwards believes prayer for their healing is vital – something that guided the project.

As a whole, the artists and intercessors hope God will use the video to bring honor, too.

Scenes from Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Washington state and Florida are featured.

Coupled with video of an intense lightning scene captured at night,  intercessors prayed for hours over children trapped in trafficking and their freedom – another theme of the project.

Coinciding with Independence Day, the movie “Sound of Freedom” releases on the July Fourth holiday. Featuring actor Jim Caviezel, who played Jesus in Mel Gibson’s epic “Passion of the Christ,” the movie deals with securing freedom for children who are trafficked.

“I think it’s no coincidence that the video is going out this week. We are releasing this in agreement with all of that,” Edwards said.

This powerfully penned last verse is part of Key’s original lyrics:

“O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand

Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!

Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land

Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto – ‘In God is our trust.’

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

To donate to this project and help produce more music, do so at the following: Designation code: SORevival-Svt.JJS; PayPal: [email protected]: and Venmo: @ JerrieAnne-Salvato


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