Afghanistan: Letters from Christians under Taliban rule


The following letters were received by SAT-7, which operates four full-time channels watched by millions via satellite TV and the internet.

Arman: There is an atmosphere of fear and intimidation that rules society. Every moment we live with the possibility of physical violence, arrest, humiliating and insulting treatment, and even summary executions. The only hope we have is in the true God who is the Supernatural Power who grants us comfort and grace. My message to my Christian brothers and sisters is that, as believers in God, we are all called to work together in spreading His Word, to broadcast the truth, and erase ignorance and darkness.

Danaash: Fear and dread have taken all of Afghanistan and have especially affected religious and ethnic minorities, with massacres having taken place in Panjshir, Andarab and Balkhab. Despite all these difficulties, we give thanks to the Lord for the peace He has given us. We always pray in the name of Jesus Christ that He will grant us His peace and protection. We ask you to pray for us, too. Our own society and safety situation is okay as long as no one reports us or makes false accusations against us.

We have brothers in the faith here, along with my own family, who are all believers, and I thank God for this. Our fellow believers consist of several families, and sometimes we get together in a house church to pray. My message to our brothers and sisters across the world is to play your part for your fellow believers in Afghanistan, whether through prayer or anything else that is in your power. As our Lord Jesus Christ said, the fields are white unto harvest, but the laborers are few. Truly, the opportunities for sharing the Gospel in Afghanistan are very great, if only the work can be done.

Abteen: Last night, Saturday night at 11:30 PM, I lay down to rest as the name of Jesus Christ was on my lips, and I fell asleep. It must have been after midnight when it was as though all my body was electrified, something I had never felt before.

 It was amazing. I opened my eyes and started to speak to Jesus, saying ‘Oh Lord Jesus, I need you because I am a sinner. I confess all my sins, and I thank You because it was for my sins You went to the cross and were put to death. After three days, you rose again, and I want to commit my heart to You – make me the person You want me to be, Amen.

 I then prayed ‘O Father, I give You thanks for it is because of your love towards us You sent Your one and only Son to the Earth to take upon Himself our sin and the curse that was on us, and to give His life on the cross, and He rose again after three days. Now I open my heart to You – come and live in me and make me into the person you would have me to be.

Amin: Staff in government departments who have not been expelled from their duties have been ordered to grow beards and put on traditional clothes and turbans, and those who fail to do so are removed from their positions. Hunger, famine, and unemployment are gathering momentum, and taxes have increased. The security situation for someone like me who has accepted another faith (Christianity) is extremely concerning. To cut it short, most people would be happy to die.

Afia: Our father married us (my sister and me) to men who are not Christians, and we live in an isolated village. Our faith has grown weak, and we really need your prayers. Thank you for the prayers you send. When I listen to them with my eyes closed, I feel that I am in another world, and I feel great peace. When I open my eyes, I see the hardship and misery which we have always known.


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