De-platforming of Christians subject of NRB Forum


By Mark Ellis —  Conservative Christian communication mediums have been subjected to a

Dennis Prager appearing at NRB Forum March 10, 2022

withering assault from Silicon Valley’s Tech giants, almost as devastating as Putin’s campaign to suppress the truth within his own country.

“It is a tragedy; every single institution has been subverted including the medical establishment,” Dennis Prager declared. “But you have to keep putting out the content,” he said.

The forum took place at the National Religious Broadcasters convention on March 10th. It included Prager, host of the Dennis Prager Show and founder of PragerU; Christopher Dolan, president and executive editor of The Washington Times; along with Heather Wilson and Jacob Wells, co-founders of GiveSendGo. The discussion was moderated by Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.

Christians need to stand up and be heard, Prager urged, comparing them to the Marranos during the Spanish Inquisition. “The Marrano was the was the person in Spain who acted Catholic, but practiced Judaism at home. This is what we have in America, conservatives are Marranos…You’ve got to come out of the closet; you will lose friends; you will lose some relatives, but you will gain peace of mind, you will gain a belief that you have contributed to this country.

“You’re not being asked to storm Normandy; you’re just being asked to get out of the damn closet.”

Christopher Dolan, with The Washington Times, complained that the economic model that supported his newspaper has been blown up. “In the last couple of years, we gave away our content. Everything’s being underwritten by billionaires.

“I work for a company that has tried to promote conservative values in Washington for 40 years and has lost a lot of money. We’re being knocked off platforms because we’re not ‘trustworthy.’ Nothing’s changed besides the interpretation.”

Christopher Dolan appearing at NRB Forum March 10, 2022

A troubling new development is that Christian news sources are labeled as “misinformation,” which causes ad networks to shut off advertising revenue. “Seven or eight years ago we got 80% of the ad dollar. Now Google and Facebook get 80% of the ad dollar,” Dolan said.

The firms that make these decisions are using Big Tech censors as the guardians of information for ad networks. “They’re not going to carry you which means you’re not going to make money. And that’s already happening,” Dolan added.

Tony Perkins concurred: “Ad vendors refuse to do business with you and knock you off what I call the entrance ramps to the information highway.”

The Family Research Council was denied access to credit card processing by at least one major company. “Discover seems to be one of the worst,” Perkins noted. “They cut us off a long time ago. Now we’ve got all of these obstacles just to get to the main mission.”

Surprisingly, Heather Wilson, co-founder of GiveSendGo, found de-platforming in the Scripture.  “They took Paul out of the temple, and they said, ‘We’re gonna de-platform you; you are no longer allowed to speak here. And what did he do? He spoke in the jail and then he spoke on the island and then he spoke on the boat.

“Paul couldn’t be de-platformed until he died, because his platform was to share the hope of Jesus with people. And each one of us, we don’t have to fear the platforming. God has called us to do what he’s called us to do, and he’s promised his wisdom to those who ask for it…and we will have His voice no matter where we go. So do not walk in fear.”

Tony Perkins conducted an informal poll of the participants at the forum and found 40% had been the victims of censorship or de-platforming.

The God Reports website has been the subject of shadow-banning by Google beginning during the 2020 election year, which caused a steep drop in traffic.


  1. This is the same way I led my NRB report. I agree that deplatforming is the most significant subject covered.

  2. Well if they have the white washing of history that Dennis Prager has why would anyone take Christians serious……basically Prager is all white people’s past evil is good and all black people are bad.

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