Moving in the Presence of an Opportunistic God

A Silver Lining in Every Cloud

By Jerry Wiles – God can use anything and everything, and everyone that He can get His hands on.  That may seem like a trite phrase on the surface.  However, it is true that the Lord can use every situation and every person for His divine purposes.

God at Work

That awareness can be a source of joy and expectation for every child of God.  Being alert to the fact that God is at work at all times and in all places can and should enable us to participate in His redemptive activities.  A recognition of the presence of the Holy Spirit and an alertness to our environment will help us see opportunities that we might otherwise miss.

Divine Connections

Most every witness or ministry opportunity starts with some kind of human connection.  Those connections can take on many forms of expressions.  Today the availability of modern technology can be used to connect with people and communicate the love and message of Jesus.  Phone conversations, conference calls, emails and text messages all present opportunities for reaching and impacting people.

Taking Action

Over the years I’ve had opportunities of sharing the Good News of Jesus and praying with people in many different situations.  Even wrong phone numbers and telemarketing calls can become opportunities for communicating the Gospel.  However, it usually happens in those normal traffic patterns and through our existing relational networks. A key factor is simply being available, watching for opportunities, and taking action.

First Printing 1992 – Still being used by God to Impact and Transform Lives

Transformed Lives

A few years ago, a pastor came across my first book, How to Win Others to Christ.  He later invited me to lead a training in the church where he served. That turned out to be a life changing experience for the pastor and eventually for the congregation.  The pastor told me later that he previously never thought of sharing the Gospel with people outside of his church field.  After reading the book and receiving the training, he started sharing the Lord where he went.  He began seeing people come to Christ on a regular basis, and his excitement impacted many others in his congregation and beyond.

Better Caught, Than Taught

In the context of witness and ministry, I’ve often heard the phrase, “It’s better caught, than taught.”  Years ago, I had the opportunity to get to know a few individuals who were filled with joy and excitement about sharing Christ.  It sparked a change in my own life and put me on a new path of actively sharing with others.  That passion for knowing and sharing Jesus has been reproduced in many others over the past few decades.

Reproducing Life

It is great to realize that it is the reproducing life of the Lord Jesus, by the work of the Holy Spirit, that produces lasting fruit.  We get to be His vessels and instruments for advancing His Kingdom.  The truth about us, is that God intends for us to be the truth about Him to those around us.  It is the “Not I, but Christ” reality of Galatians 2:20 that makes all the difference.

Needs equal Opportunities

While there are so many needs and problems in the world today, all of them represent opportunities.  We simply need spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear what the Lord is doing and saying about the opportunities before us each day.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He is working all things after the council of His own will.

Clean Water and the Living Water of Jesus – Saving Lives and Changing Destinies Everyday

Power of Water and The Word

In 1990 a group of people went on a mission trip to East Africa and became aware of the great need for clean water.  That sparked an interest to do something about it and resulted in the founding of Living Water International.  Since its founding, more than 22,000 water projects have been completed in Africa, Asia and Latin America.  Millions of lives have been saved and changed through Water and the Word.

Benefits of Problems

History is filled with examples of how problems and needs have created opportunities.  The bigger the need, the bigger the opportunity.  Think of all the organizations, institutions and movements that started because someone had a need or problem.  God brings things into our lives, not only for our own growth and benefit, but for the benefit of others.