Persecution drove out one pastor, a dream brought his disciple back


In the lowlands of Chad, the Lord is moving among the unreached Bua people, a nomadic group that follow a blend of Islam and animism.

A local leader named Abdu*, has been ministering to this people group for the past few years, sharing the gospel with them, according to a report by Partners International. During that time, he discipled new believers and planted three house churches. But a few months ago, Abdu had to flee the area because of intense persecution. He continues to share the gospel among Muslims in a neighboring country.

Mwamba* was one of Abdu’s disciples. He participated in the church work and spent many hours learning about Jesus, asking questions about the Bible and helping Abdu serve the Bua people. But, after Abdu left, Mwamba moved to the city to do business.

One night in the city, he had a dream where the Lord told him, “Mwamba, Mwamba, get up and cross the river. Go back and feed my flocks.” When he woke up the next morning, he committed to go back and serve the three house churches he left behind.

God blessed Mwamba’s obedience. One month after moving back among the Bua, he planted seven house churches, baptized seven men and ten women, and saw the Lord move in mighty ways in the community.

One of the new Jesus followers was the village chief. At his baptism, a woman attended who was demon-possessed and known for doing evil in the village. The pastors at the baptism noticed this woman and prayed for her. At that moment, she was set free! She started following Jesus that very day and is now taking classes to prepare for baptism.


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*Names changed for security.



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