By Mark Ellis –

Sean Feucht led worship with hundreds of Christians August 10th at the area in Seattle once known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP, and were confronted by furious protesters hailing Satan and brandishing knives.
The protesters shouted obscenities at black pastors who assembled with Feucht and rushed the stage but were held back by private security, as they managed to damage band equipment, Feucht reported on Instagram.
The gifted worship leader founded a grassroots global worship, prayer and missions organization; Burn 24/7. He travels to 20-30 nations a year planting “furnaces of worship and prayer,” training, mobilizing, leading worship and speaking.
This furnace in the CHOP-zone, however, was on another level. The entire crazy scene generated spiritual warfare at an intensity-level resembling Elijah on Mt. Carmel. “It was absolutely bonkers in so many ways!!” Feucht recounted.
“Violent protestors showed up flashing knives! We had an entire satanic cult march through the worshippers the entire time yelling ‘Hail Satan!’ We had white Antifa yelling & threatening black local pastors!
The vicious, anti-Christ spirit would not relent. “They yelled obscenities and cursed at my wife and kids all night long!
“At one point, I had about 30 stationed bodyguards around myself and the band (you can see them in this vid) as they kept trying to storm the band and tackle them. They broke drums and guitar pedals! (also poured glue on a keyboard)
“They killed our generators at one point…yet through it all…SEATTLE NEVER STOPPED SINGING!!!
“We saw salvations, healings, miracles and baptisms! It was on another level! THE CHURCH REFUSED TO BE INTIMIDATED AND GOD KEPT POURING OUT!
The worshippers in Seattle are the most courageous and bold in America!!!! THEY WIN AFTER TONIGHT!!! We made it out of the lions den of CHOP alive and have story after story of Gods power and might!
One photo posted online showed a man garbed in black clothing with a facial covering, holding a sign that read: “Hail Satan.”
“The time for courageous Christianity is here. No more backing down and fleeing for the suburbs. Jesus is coming for the hardest parts of our cities and He’s jealous for praise, love & salvation to fill the streets,” Feucht wrote.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee has restricted faith-based and religious services to 100 people outdoors, according to Fox News. The service must be held close to the organization’s property, and requires congregants to wear masks and social distance.
Feucht held a “Riot to Revival” service in Portland on August 8th, with thousands in attendance. He also led “Let Us Worship” protests in California to urge Christians to shed their fears in the wake of coronavirus lockdowns.
Praise God and our Savior Jesus Christ for this great revival!! This revival needs to continue all over America and the world!! It’s time for all Christians to fall on their knees and beg for revival!! With an entire world praying for revival, surely God will bring it to pass!! We must be in constant prayer for president Trump and VP Pence to win this election, they’re the only ones standing in the way of total annihilation of all Christians, and the survival of our free America!! We cannot and must not let America fall into the hands of Satan and all his demons!! Sorros and the demonRATS are working overtime to destroy America and give us a communist nation with a mu**im religion!! VOTE RED OR AMERICA IS DEAD!!
Suggestion: The next time these Satanist/Antifa/BLM groups threaten you, get everyone saying this prayer:
“Arise, O Lord, and scatter Your enemies
And let those who hate You flee before Your Face.”
It is what Moses prayed every morning before leading the Israelites through the desert. St. Athanasius, the greatest exorcist of the 4th century, said this line of Scripture is the one demons hate the most. A friend of mine was able to break up a satanist meeting just by standing behind a fence, out of sight, quietly saying this prayer.
American missionaries had gone all over the world preaching the Gospel. Now a time is come when many (in America) have rejected Jesus. Revival is coming…embrace Jesus Christ…evangelise again… the New Pentecost is at hand. For this good work of believers in America God made the U.S. a superpower, but many are sliding back. Tighten the grip on the cross and you will not slide but will rise high again. Help the poor Christians. Amen. Gbu.
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