Instagram Easter Message by Justin Bieber


REMINDER! God who created the sun, trees, grass, birds, mountains,

(Justin Bieber/Instagram)

lakes, oceans, LOVES YOU! He loves you so much that he came to earth in human form, lived a perfect sinless life, To make the ultimate sacrifice! He would die on the cross to take the punishment for the wrongs that you and I have committed! Then he rose from the dead to defeat death! Meaning now when we accept and believe what he did on the cross and we die we actually graduate into eternity where there is no pain, heartache or shame at all! We will live in eternity in complete bliss! THIS IS WHAT EASTER IS ABOUT AND THIS IS GOOD NEWS.

We don’t have to earn God’s love, we just get to accept the free forgiveness that only Jesus offers! It’s that simple! Accept and receive !! not earn and deserve! I AM GRATEFUL THIS EASTER THAT JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD SO THAT I NO LONGER HAVE TO DIE AND BE UNCERTAIN OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT BUT I KNOW I WILL GRADUATE TO A PLACE WHERE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PAIN!! — Instagram