90-year-old survived COVID, felt hands of Jesus healing her


By Mark Ellis —

Geneva Wood

A nursing home in Kirkland, Washington was ground zero for the initial deadly spread of the Coronavirus in the U.S., but one of its older residents felt God heal her as she hovered near death.

The Life Care Center facility in Kirkland became the source of the first major outbreak of COVID-19, with 101 of its senior residents diagnosed with the potentially deadly pestilence and 34 ultimately succumbing.

One of its residents, Geneva Wood, 90, had spent several months there recovering from a stroke. Only a few days before she was to return home, the disease struck many within its walls and the administrators placed the residents on lockdown.

A few days later, Wood began to feel feverish. “I didn’t know that I had the virus until I had the virus. I had no symptoms of it before,” Wood told CBN.

Wood credits God for her survival. “If it hadn’t have been for my faith in God and my family and their prayers and all their families and the church and everything…the faith and prayers pulled me through,” Wood explained.

Even while she was alone, in isolation, she felt God with her. On one particular dark night she thought she was dying.

“I could feel God’s presence. His hands were on my body and I could feel His presence and I’d wake up and I could feel these hands and I’d go back to sleep. Through the night, ’cause I’d wake up, I couldn’t see His face, but I could feel His hands and I knew He was with me and I made it through the night,” Wood told CBN.

The hands of Jesus brought healing, just as they did in the pages of the New Testament. “Until you’ve felt God’s presence and his hands on you, it’s something else. If it hadn’t have been for Him, I couldn’t have done it. And I wasn’t alone because He was with me all the time,” she continued.

One doctor at the facility brought her a Bible and spent time reading her favorite scriptures. “At first all I said was Psalm 23, but he would read to me every morning,” she told CBN.

Wood’s family called her turnaround “miraculous.”

As the Jewish people gather around the world to celebrate Passover tomorrow, it is worth considering that God sheltered Geneva Wood in his arms from the deadly plague, just as he protected the Israelites on the first Passover – because she placed her trust in the blood of the Lamb.

“Don’t give up hope. God is always there and put your trust in Him and lean on Him and give your life to Him. And you’ll make it, but you’ve got to not give up hope and fight.”

Soon she will be able to see her five children, 11 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren.


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