Heidi Baker: ‘This is 9-1-1 for Christians; God needs all hands on deck’


By Mark Ellis –

Heidi Baker with Pastor Hiram Pangilinan in Manila on March 13, 2020

Influential ministry leader Heidi Baker is calling on the bride of Christ to put on her oil and shine the light of Jesus to a desperate world made fearful by the pandemic wreaking sickness and death among the nations.

“People are panicked right now,” Baker acknowledged. “Right now the world is shaking financially, physically, and emotionally. The world is shaking in every arena.”

Heidi and Rolland Baker founded Iris Global in 1980, and currently operate feeding programs for thousands of orphans, run free health clinics, manage primary and secondary schools and have fostered several thousand church plants from their base in Mozambique.

Many are terrified, she acknowledged, wondering how they will feed their families, wondering what they will do, how they will survive. Airlines are not flying. People are in terror.

“What are we going to do?” she asked. “The body of Christ needs to wake up. It’s 9-1-1. Fix your eyes on Jesus. All hands on deck.”

She spoke to Pastor Hiram Pangilinan from Manila on a YouTube video recorded March 13th. They had planned to be part of a Loving Jesus Revival Conference, but it was cancelled due to the health crisis.

“What does the body of Christ look like in a pandemic?” she asked. “How do we love Jesus when we can’t gather more than 10 or 20 people together? All of us now are going to shine.”

Even those under quarantine can make the best of the situation if they find greater intimacy with God. “If you get quarantined, that should be a joyful thing for you, because you’re going to have two weeks in the secret place, worshipping the Lord, where you can get into the Word of God, where you can go into the glory, where you can be filled with the power and the presence of the Most High God,” she declared.

Prophetically, she has been seeing a hard time like this coming for several years. “I have been prophesying this for years,” she said. “I saw bread lines and soup kitchens, but they were people wearing good clothes. They were not raggedy like the Mozambicans…they were hungry.”

“This is the greatest time for the church to shine,” she said. “We are the hands of Jesus. We are the feet of Jesus. We are called to be a voice of Jesus,” she said.

Because conferences and large gathering have been cancelled, it is a time for one-on-one ministry. “I’m not speaking to 10,000 people today. I’m not speaking to 5, 000 people today. I’m not speaking to 50, but every single person I came across today I blessed. I prayed for them. I didn’t feel led to hug them all. You need to seek the Lord (about that). If a hug puts fear in them, don’t hug them.”

“I am calling the beautiful bride. Large gatherings stopped, but loving Jesus, that has not stopped in any way. You are going to rise up now and you, beautiful bride of Christ, you are going to shine,” she declared.

Like the Good Samaritan, you will be called to minister to the person God places in your path. “It’s time to care for the one in need. It’s 9-1-1. Who are we? We are the first responders. Put that (airplane oxygen) mask on. Make sure you’re hydrated. Make sure you wash your hands. Make sure you’re in the glory. Make sure you take care of your family.

“The greatest oxygen mask for us is intimacy with Jesus. We come close to Jesus right now.”

Pastor Hiram said he sees the darkness that has descended on Manila. “There is darkness, not just in metro Manila, but all over the world. Even though there is thick darkness over the peoples, the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Something good will come out of this. God is going to use this darkness to shine forth his light. Light shines brightest in the darkness. Jesus is going to be so beautiful in this season.”

Heidi faced another crisis in March 2019 when Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique with winds of 120 and gusts up to 175 mph. It was the worst tropical cyclone to affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere. “When the cyclone hit Mozambique we didn’t say let’s have a conference. We didn’t say let’s fill the stadium. We said let’s all ask Jesus what we’re meant to do. The ones who had chainsaws went out and cut trees. The ones who could cook, cooked for the teams. Some rescued people from dying under the mud.

“All of us were all hands on deck. In a disaster, it’s all hands on deck. Everybody is called to shine.”

“The Scripture is so clear. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Be strong. Take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Heidi’s prayer:

“Lord, right now in the name of Jesus, we pray for a supernatural covering, we ask for the body of Christ to be the first responders, that we would be the ones that shine and we would stop for the one, the dying man on the street, the dying man in fear, the dying woman, the dying child, that we would be the one with the oil of intimacy, the ones with the spiritual wine. Show us how to share the gospel, what to do, give us supernatural wisdom. I pray the body of Christ will share, that those who have extra food will share with those who don’t, that this would be the time to shine. Arise, shine body of Christ. This is our greatest hour. We are the hands of Jesus, the heart of Jesus. Oh God show them what to do, each moment, each day. I ask for salvations, the billion-soul harvest. This billion-soul harvest is now. Every believer share the gospel. Every believer pray for the sick. Every single believer stop for somebody. Lead someone to Jesus. If you’re in quarantine get deeper into the presence of God, deeper into the glory of God. When you come out you’ll be shining like nothing you’ve ever known before, nothing you’ve ever seen. Time to buy oil beautiful bride. Intimacy unto fruitfulness. Our time is now. In Jesus name, Amen.”


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