After 8th Buddhist accepted Christ, a loud bang went off in prayer room


By Mark Ellis –

cracked table

On a Christian medical and dental mission to Myanmar (Burma), a large number of Buddhists showed up for free medical attention. Some also visited a prayer room adjoining the clinic, which led to an unusual incident that seemed to signal a clash in the spiritual realm.

Paul Ai, the former witchcraft doctor from Vietnam, who received Christ and became a prolific church planter throughout the region, organized the clinic held in early December over two days in Myitkyina (MITCH-uh-nah) in northern Myanmar.

The U.S.-based team included a doctor from Virginia, a paramedic, nurse practitioner, dentist from California, and several other nurses and volunteers.

Medical mission team in Myanmar

A total of 11 Buddhists prayed to receive Christ on the final day of the clinic. But a very unusual incident happened in the prayer room when a group of eight Buddhists indicated they wanted to pray to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Pastor Mark Morrow

Senior Pastor Mark Morrow, from Crosswalk Church in Williamsburg, Virginia, was in the prayer room and witnessed the remarkable occurrence.

When it was clear the Buddhists were ready to receive Jesus, they were directed to pray along with the American pastoral team, assisted by a translator.

“As soon as they said, ‘Dear Jesus,’ and repeated it into Burmese, I heard a loud firecracker pop. Everybody in the room jumped,” Pastor Morrow recounts.

“It was a very loud, ear piercingly loud, like someone lit a firecracker in the room. We were trying to figure out.”

“Look, the table just popped!” one of the pastoral team exclaimed.

Pastor Morrow looked down and couldn’t believe his eyes. It was a heavy mahogany or teak table, very sturdily built, that had cracked from one end to the other.

“I was the closest one to that table. My shins were two inches away,” he recounts. “The table cracked in front of me. There wasn’t a temperature change, no weight on the table. As soon as the Buddhists said ‘Dear Jesus’ and said that prayer to accept him the table popped. The Burmese people jumped. They saw something tangible had happened.”

Erich Driscoll, 59, from Newport News, Virginia, was also in the room when

Erich Driscoll in prayer room

the incident happened. “We were praying in here for the last two days. Toward the end, there were eight Buddhists who came in and gave their hearts to Christ. Prayer was still going on and more people coming and all of a sudden it sounded like a gunshot. We all jumped wondering what that was. Somebody said, ‘Look at that table,’ and the table had just split…it sounded like a gun going off.”

Pastor Morrow believes the physical manifestation resulted from a battle in the spiritual realm for the hearts of the people – that God raised a standard against the enemy. “It’s like the old Dracula movies, when you hold up the cross and the devil flees,” he says.

“The spirit of God just broke the back of whatever demonic forces were holding those people back,” he concludes.

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