Jesus visiting Muslims thru dreams, visions, & the airwaves


By Mark Ellis –

SAT-7 TURK is the only Christian channel allowed on Turkish satellite TV, which is a miracle in itself, as they broadcast to 80 million people – 96% Muslim.

A teacher connected to SAT-7 shared a story with them about a student who always sat quietly in the front row of her class. “One day I found her deeply troubled, crying in the hallway,” the teacher recounted to SAT-7.

The teacher asked the young woman to come into her office, closed the door, and she began to pour out her heart, sobbing.

“Why did He come to me?” she asked. “I wasn’t looking for Him. I wasn’t born a Christian, nor my family. Why me?”

The young woman went on to share a secret she had not divulged to anyone. “A few years ago I was assaulted,” she said. “A man dragged me into the forest and beat me horribly, leaving me for dead.”

Then something remarkable happened.

“I was alone in the forest until a man in brilliant white appeared to me. He was shining all over. He told me, ‘I am Jesus. You are my daughter. Follow me. I will help you.’

The young woman had been afraid to share her story with anyone. “I’ve been deeply troubled,” she confessed. “Do you know who He is? Do you know where He is now? Do you have his book?”

The next day the teacher gave her student a New Testament. As the student left the class, she clutched the Bible as if it was a precious gift. “This is the most important book of my life,” she gushed.

The teacher didn’t see her student for the next few days and began to wonder if something had happened. “I feared for her safety,” he recounted. “Then I saw her. She had been in her room, engrossed in the New Testament for three days!”

As the two talked more, the teacher shared the Gospel with more specificity and the young woman received Jesus as her Lord and Savior, was born again, and is now being discipled.

The teacher is excited about the way she sees God working. “Hearing her story made me realize that God is actively calling people to Himself from the nation of Turkey. But they know almost nothing about Christ. There are so few believers and hardly any churches. But the people are hungry and ready for His truth.”

A viewer of SAT-7 TURK wrote to them and said: “I had a dream about Jesus Christ’s cross…I couldn’t see His face in the dark. Jesus Christ became one with the cross. All of a sudden the cross started changing and it turned into a dove. Then the dove disappeared. I’m wondering if this means anything? Is this just my subconscious, or did God try to show me something? I’m not a Christian…but very interested in Christianity. I’ve been doing research and reading about it for many years and I’m looking for God. Could you explain this to me?

“I’m a well-known businessman and, therefore, I can’t just go to church. Is there anyone who would be willing to me in my office or some other place and tell me about Christianity?”

Another Turkish man wrote to SAT-7 and said, “I grew up in an orphanage. I don’t have any family and I never encountered love growing up. But I watch your program, and I get very surprised to see you talk about His love for us. We have always known God to be a punishing, scary being but thanks to you, I have seen that there are people who know Him differently.”


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To learn more about SAT-7, click here