According to WALA Fox 10, Trenton McKinley, 13, was riding in a small trailer being pulled behind a dune buggy when the accident happened. Trenton’s friend who was driving the buggy, hit the brakes quickly, causing the trailer to flip over. Trenton told the television station he grabbed and threw his four-year-old niece out of harm’s way, but in doing so was pinned by the trailer as it came down. “I hit the concrete and the trailer landed on top of my head. After that, I don’t remember anything,” Trenton told Fox 10. The teen was rushed to the hospital where doctors counted seven skull fractures. His parents had to go through their worst nightmare. “All I saw was a stretcher with his feet hanging out. He was dead a total of 15 minutes,” his mother, Jennifer Reindl told Fox 10. “When he came back, they said he would never be normal again. They told me the oxidation problems would be so bad to his brain, that he would be a vegetable if he even made it.” Doctors determined the teen was brain-dead and his breathing was shallow. His parents knew they had a difficult decision to make. They could help five other kids by donating Trenton’s organs, so they signed the necessary papers.
Then, a miracle happened. One day before his doctors were to pull the plug on his life support, Trenton began to show signs of brain activity. “The next day I got a call. They canceled the final brain wave test right before they hooked him up his hand moved. Then his feet,” Reindl continued in the Facebook post. “So they looked at his eyes and they were back. He had blue eyes. Now they are green with small white specks like glitter. They say when you look upon God … pigment changes … and my baby was in Heaven for a whole day … he is a miracle.” Fox 10 reports that Trenton believes he went to Heaven. “I was in an open field walking straight,” Trenton said. “There’s no other explanation but God. There’s no other way. Even doctors said it.” Trenton continues to recover, although he’s dealing with nerve pain and seizures almost daily. He has had three brain surgeries and currently only has half of his skull. The other half will be reconnected soon in the next surgery. — Breaking Christian News
If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here A fundraising page has been set up on Facebook to help Trenton’s family with his medical expenses. |
Oni vole samo sebe i njihova pomama za zadovoljstvom ispunjava ih nezasitnom čežnjom za još više. Nikakva količina svjetovnih zadovoljstava neće ih zadovoljiti, zbog čega oni potom traže druge bestidnosti. Oni uživaju u oduzimanju života i nemaju nikakvog pokajanja u svojim dušama, zbog okrutnih ubojstava za koja su krivi. Njihov utjecaj širi se diljem Zemlje u svakom narodu i sljedbenici đavla druže se s bogatima, poslovnim čelnicima, vladama, kraljevskom obitelji, organizacijama, uključujući sredstva za priopćavanje i provoditelje zakona, sudstvo i Crkvu.
Molim vas da ne podcjenjujete njihove moći. Premda su malobrojni i ne prodiru u svaki dio vaših zajednica, oni će i dalje činiti užasnu štetu. Ne samo da su oni prodali svoje duše đavlu, već će i odvući druge nevine duše u ponor sa Zvijeri i njegovim demonima.
Ja dajem svima onima koji Me ljube Milosti da poraze ovu kobnu i moćnu skupinu, koja Me proklinje svake sekunde dana, kada molite ovu kratku Križarsku molitvu.
Križarska molitva (112) za Milost Spasenja
Najdraži Isuse, ja Te pozivam da s Tvojom posebnom Milošću Spasenja prekriješ duše onih koje je zarazio sotona. Oslobodi njihove jadne duše od zlobnog zatočeništva iz kojega oni ne mogu pobjeći. Amen.
Te jadne duše biti će prve koje će prisvojiti Zvijer kao svoga i oni će pasti ravno na svoja lica kako bi obožavali Antikrista. Vi morate moliti snažno, svi vi, kako bi moć koju sotona ima nad njima, mogla biti slomljena i da bi njihova srca bila otvorena za Moje Veliko Milosrđe.
Vaš Isus
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