Members of President Trump’s cabinet gathering for weekly prayer and Bible studies, secularists cry foul



By Mark Ellis —

Trump led prayer following Gorsuch nomination

President Donald Trump’s cabinet members have been gathering weekly for prayer and Bible study sessions, to the dismay and alarm of some secular liberals.

Ralph Drollinger, the founder of Capitol Ministries, initiated the Bible study during President Trump’s transition to the White House and continues to lead the group.

Attendees include Vice President Pence; Secretaries Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, Sonny Perdue, Rick Perry, Tom Price and Jeff Sessions; EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

They are some of the most powerful people in the U.S. government, something that unnerves liberal critics of the administration.

President Trump at National Cathedral following his Inauguration

“This isn’t about Vladimir Putin inserting himself in the White House, but it is every bit as dangerous as a hostile foreign power dismantling America’s government,” noted R. Muse in Politucus USA. “Some Americans are skeptical when they hear there is a concerted effort to create a theocracy to replace the democratically-elected government and replace the Constitution with the Christian bible, but they are wrong to be skeptical; they should be absolutely terrified.”

While President Trump has not attended the weekly prayer and Bible study sessions, he led a group prayer when he announced the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

Muse sought to warn Americans their government is being “hijacked” by Christians.

“For an idea of the nefarious plot behind the weekly Bible and prayer lessons for the

President Trump receiving prayer

Cabinet, Drollinger’s favorite politician is an evangelical fanatic, Michele Bachmann. In fact, Drollinger claims his dream is setting up a factory to pump out more right wing Christian politicians like Bachmann.”

Bachmann currently serves on the board of Capitol Ministries.

“Now America’s capital is infested with the Christian fundamentalists wielding unchecked power and a view towards installing an evangelical Christian theocracy,” Muse warned.

But the leader of the meetings holds a different view: “In terms of a country’s health and direction, when its leaders are seeking God, the nation is in a position to be blessed by God in ways that are ‘far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think,'” Drollinger told Beltway Buzz, referencing Ephesians 3:20.

Capitol Ministries also hosts weekly Bible studies in the House and Senate. The ministry has started Bible studies in a number of state capitols and is currently working on expanding into international capitols.

“This has been a wonderful time of prayer and fellowship as I am presently teaching through the Sermon on the Mount, as well has handing out my weekly written Bible study as a homework assignment on a particular topic,” Drollinger noted.


  1. Wonderful to see that our leaders know they answer to someone else – keeps arrogance, pride and power hungry at bay. Note the difference with ungodly leaders that are anarchist, megalomaniac, inhumane dictators.

  2. America One Nation Under God Thanks for a President and cabinet that Believe and pray be praying for you God Bless

  3. Amen for a President and Cabinet that pray for God to direct them God bless them all and the Holy Spirit to guide you all God Blessing is with you all in Jesus Name Hilda C.

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