She dreamed about Jesus in Beijing


By Ruby Swanson —

Her father was, in all likelihood, executed for evangelizing in North Korea, and yet Kung Yu Sung wants to go to that closed communist nation to be a missionary herself.

“God has placed in my heart a great love for North Korea,” the 18-year-old said in a YouTube video. “My father was used there for God’s kingdom. I want to bring the love of Jesus to North Korea.”

Today, Yu Sung is in high school in South Korea, where she was granted asylum. Her father had been a high-ranking government official until he fell out of favor with the totalitarian dictator and had to flee to China with his wife and then-six-year-old daughter.

It was in China that he accepted Christ at a Bible study he attended with relatives, Yu Sung said. He was growing in the Lord and the love of God’s work when he was reported to Chinese authorities and arrested for being in China illegally. Then he was deported to North Korea, an ally of China, where he served a prison sentence of three years for leaving his native land illegally.

At the conference where she shared her testimony.

Meanwhile, Yu Sung’s mother died of leukemia while pregnant with what was to be her second child, and little Yu Sung was left alone in the world. She was adopted by a pastor’s family in China.

“They showed me great love and care,” she said. “Through them, God protected me.”

After her father finished his prison sentence in North Korea, he fled to China. “The time in jail only made my father’s faith stronger,” she said.

After a time of continued study in the Bible, he decided to return to North Korea as a missionary. He was fully aware of the risks, but he wanted “to share Christ’s message of life among the hopeless of his homeland.” He chose not to go to South Korea where he could have enjoyed religious freedom and lived more comfortably.

North Korea is perhaps the most closed society in the world currently.

Instead, he went to North Korea to share the love of God in a dangerous land,” Yu Sung recounted.

“It breaks my heart to tell you that in 2006 he was discovered by the North Korean government and he was again imprisoned,” she said. “I have heard no words from my father ever since. In all probability he has been shot to death in public on charges of treason and espionage.”

Then in 2007, the pastoral family that adopted her had to go to the United States and she was offered the chance to emigrate legally to South Korea. She still hadn’t accepted Jesus herself. One night while she slept in the South Korean consulate in Beijing she dreamed about Jesus.

“I saw Jesus in the dream,” she said. “He had tears in his eyes. He walked toward me and said, ‘How much longer are you going to keep me waiting? Walk with Me. Yes, you lost your earthly father, but I am your Heavenly Father and whatever has happened to you was because I love you.’

“I realized my Father loved me so much He sent His son to die for me. I prayed, ‘Here I am. I lay down everything and give you my heart, my soul, my mind and my strength. Please use me as You will.'”

The current communist dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong Un

Today Yu Sung is studying at a high school in South Korea with dreams of majoring in political science and an emphasis on diplomacy.

“I want to work for the rights of the people of North Korea, whose rights have been taken away,” she said. “I believe God’s heart cries out for the lost people of North Korea.”

“Please pray that the same light of God’s grace and mercy that reached my father and my mother and now me will one day shine down upon the people of North Korea, my people.”


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  1. “A great article! The Holy Spirit is being poured out on all flesh. Historically, visions and dreams have always been a real part of living in Faith. In example, visions were a frequent experience for William Blake (English painter, poet and printmaker 1757 – 1827). He describes at the age of four, seeing God “put his head to the window,” and at nine, “a tree full of angels.” His brother Robert fell ill during the winter of 1787 and died. Blake saw his brother’s spirit rise up through the ceiling, “clapping its hands for joy.” He believed that Robert’s spirit continued to visit him and later claimed that in a dream Robert taught him the printing method that he used in Songs of Innocence (an illustrated collection of poems, 1789 15) and other “illuminated” works. In a letter to Thomas Butts, dated 25 April 1803, Blake wrote:
    Now I may say to you, what perhaps I should not dare to say to anyone else: That I can alone carry on my visionary studies in London unannoy’d, & that I may converse with my friends in Eternity, See Visions, Dream Dreams & prophecy & speak Parables unobserv’d & at liberty from the Doubts of other Mortals; perhaps Doubts proceeding from Kindness, but Doubts are always pernicious, Especially when we Doubt our Friends.”

    Excerpt From: Mike Stair. “On Earth As It Is In Heaven.” iBooks.

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