Trump victory confirms vision of imprisoned Persian pastor


By Mark Ellis

Trump drew huge crowds with his magnetic personality, provocative comments
Trump drew huge crowds with his magnetic personality, provocative comments

He grabbed world attention when he entered the race for the U.S. presidency uttering great boasts and hurling insults at his opponents. Now stunned political pundits and establishment figures realize there was substance behind the bravado, as Donald Trump won a victory that caught everyone by surprise.

Trump attracted followers and a compliant media with his magnetic personality. Last night they had to reckon with the fact that he is not only a financial genius, but a political genius as well – pulling off an upset very few thought possible, confounding the pollsters.

Yet one Iranian American Christian pastor languishing in one of Iran’s notorious prisons had a powerful vision four years ago that Trump would become president.

Pastor Saeed Abedini
Pastor Saeed Abedini

In the vision, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini saw “a young man with blue eyes, blond hair. I was sitting with him in a room,” Abedini told the Huffington Post. “Someone told me, ‘He’s going to be the next president of the United States and you’re going to be friends with him.”

At that time, Abedini couldn’t identify the man in the vision, and when the original candidates for president emerged, none of them seemed to line up with his vision, so he questioned if the vision might be connected to a future election.

But one day he happened upon a photograph of a much-younger, “blue-eyed, blonde man” in a Facebook post and his whole body started to shake.

The photo was of a youthful Donald Trump.

“Oh my gosh, this is the one that I saw in the dream!” he told the Huffington Post.

“I believe that this was a vision from God,” Abedini affirmed, and Trump is part of God’s unfolding plan for the nations.

Amazingly, after the pastor received his stunning vision, God touched Trump’s heart with Abedini’s plight, and the billionaire sent a $10,000 gift to the pastor’s family.

“When Donald Trump supported me in prison, he wasn’t even a candidate for president,” Abedini recounts.

On January 16, 2016, Pastor Abedini was released from prison with two other American prisoners in a controversial swap involving a plane filled with cash.


Related: Could Christians be fooled by the antichrist?


  1. Thank you for this insightful story-behind-the-story. I earlier read both about Pastor Abedini and separately about the plane filled with cash. I had not put the two together. Is there an update to this story? What is Pastor Abedini doing now that he is free? Has he formed a friendship with President-elect Trump?

  2. Here are two dreams about Donald Trump:

    Dreams from the LORD 2011-2016
    25 May 2016

    Last night I had a dream where I was driving this tractor-trailer. Sitting in the cab of the truck with me was Donald Trump. We were hauling heavy equipment. We couldn’t find a place to park the tractor-trailer, so I drove to this lot next to this job site and parked it there. I told Donald Trump that I had parked trucks there before. The owner of the lot walked up to our truck and I asked him if I could park our tractor-trailer there for a short while. He said it would be all right to park it there for a few days.

    Another dream about Donald Trump:

    Dreams from the LORD 2011-2016
    20 September 2016

    Last night I had a dream where I saw Donald Trump dressed in a business suit sitting comfortably on top of this bed. He was surrounded by many people—they looked like reporters. Trump was casually talking to the reporters.

    I believe this dream means that Trump will easily win the election in November.

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