Evangelist declares West Virginia revival is not over


By Mark Ellis

Hartley preaching aug 8 williamson
Matt Hartley preaching August 8, 2016 at the Williamson Field House in West Virginia

After a few weeks of rest, the young evangelist at the center of the revival in West Virginia that brought 4,000 to Christ, says God is not done pouring out his Spirit in coal country and beyond.

“Hear me West Virginia. I know that God has moved in the last eight weeks where over 4000 people have come to Jesus, but there has been warfare ever since, and the devil is trying to abort what God has started,” Matt Hartley said.

He spoke at the Williamson, West Virginia Field House on August 8th, and will be speaking at the same venue the following two nights. Next week he will preach in Huntington, West Virginia, near the Ohio border.

“Hear me tonight. Man didn’t start this thing and man cannot control it. It was started by a sovereign God and tonight there is a sound of heaven about to be released in this room,” he declared.

Hartley preached from 2 Samuel 5, when God instructed David in his fight against the Philistines with an unorthodox warfare strategy:

First, God said to “circle around behind them” and wait near the Mulberry trees. “And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the Mulberry trees, then you shall act promptly, for then the Lord will have gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines.”

When God’s people allowed the Lord to fight the battles, victory was always assured.

“There is a sound tonight that hell is getting nervous over. I prophesy that God shall arise and His enemies will be scattered,” Hartley declared.

“God is connecting heaven with earth and there is a sound as God begins to walk through West Virginia. I hear God walking through West Virginia tonight, setting captives free.”

People coming forward to receive Christ
People coming forward to receive Christ

Many are praying the revival will sweep the United States, including Hartley. “I hear the sound of God walking through America. I hear the remnant wailing and weeping for His presence to come. There is a sound being released. God is preparing to take this awakening further than you could have imagined it would go,” he declared.

One participant, Bo Copley has been at almost every revival meeting, and last night was no exception. “The atmosphere was still really great. The presence of the Lord was all over the building. It was very similar to the other services,” he observed.

“There is a sense of urgency around what Matt says. He doesn’t water down the Word. There should be a sense of urgency because people are either going to spend eternity in heaven or hell.

“People said after four weeks the revival will die down, but then it went even further. God started it and He is not finished. If He’s not through, it will not end.”


To watch the revival services live or recorded, go to www.ustream.tv and type “regional church” in the search box


  1. The revival is great news. It has been a long time since we have had revival in the USA. I do also pray that the revival crosses all of the United States.

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