Iran: 450 new believers baptized


By Dan Wooding baptism_1_26feb150

More than 240 Iranians were baptized recently in two large celebrations in the Iran region.

According to Elam Ministries (, a further 16 were baptized in a smaller service, and about 200 more are to be baptized at a fourth celebration.

“We praise God for every Iranian who has been baptized recently,” said a spokesperson for Elam Ministries.

“Seven friends, who were there to support those being baptized, responded to a call to submit their lives to Christ for the first time at one of last week’s celebrations. These large baptism services are joyful day-long gatherings, with sessions of worship, preaching, prayer for the nation of Iran, Holy Communion and shared meals.”

One of the baptisms followed a conference which the entire church attended. The theme of unity threaded through the teachings which encouraged the church greatly.

“We thank you for praying and supporting us as we seek to serve and equip Iran’s growing church,” added the spokesperson for Elam Ministries. “Please pray for all those who were baptized, the seven new believers, and those who will be baptized soon.”

In a separate story, Elam Ministries explained why we should pray for Christians post-persecution. The ministry said that those who have survived persecution often need just as much prayer as those currently enduring persecution. It is relatively common knowledge that Christians in Iran can be imprisoned for their faith as new arrests and prison sentences hit the prayer headlines quite regularly. Less well known is the potential long-term psychological damage that persecution can cause.

“Long after an abusive arrest, an extended stint in solitary, an intensive interrogation or incarceration in a volatile ward, Christians can continue to suffer,” said the story. “Once released, the trauma is not necessarily over. Whether it’s dark nightmares, flashbacks, paranoia, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, the effects can be devastating and long-lasting. Especially for those who have endured physical or psychological torture, memories remain, fear and uncertainties cloud the mind, and wounds need healing.

“Will you join us in praying for long-term healing for all those who are suffering following persecution? The support of friends, family and church members is vital for recovery. Let’s pray for wisdom as they seek to love, care and pray for survivors. Let’s also pray that those that need professional counselling support would find it, and that all survivors would continue to bring their pain, memories and questions before Jehova Rapha – our God who heals.”–ASSIST News Service


  1. I want to thank you for your articles! They lead me to who God wants me to pray for.
    I have asked my Father in Heaven to Bless you and all the work He has given you! I am so joyful when I read about Muslims coming to Jesus; About all people repenting and giving their life’s to Jesus!
    May Jesus continue to guide you, teach and Bless you !

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