Bieber’s latest concert ‘like a church service’


By Mark Ellis

Bieber at Staples Center
Bieber at Staples Center

Recently, 21-year-old pop sensation Justin Bieber made a stunning turnaround in his relationship with Christ. In a soul-baring interview with COMPLEX magazine, he said he was leaving behind the tabloid headlines and had made dramatic turn in his walk with Jesus.

In connection with the release of the singer’s new album, “Purpose,” his sold-out concert at Staples Center November 13th had a distinctly spiritual flavor, surprising many observers.

“What the vaguely billed event at Staples Center felt most like was a church service,” reported Mikael Wood, a reviewer for The Los Angeles Times.

An Evening With Justin Bieber - PerformancesFriday’s show started when Bieber rode his skateboard to a smaller stage near the center of the arena. He did an acoustic performance of several new (and old) songs and premiered a film highlighting each track from “Purpose” with distinct dance numbers for each song.

“Between the skateboarding and the singing, though, Bieber sat on a stool next to Judah Smith, the man described as his pastor, and more or less preached,” a surprised Wood noted in the Times.

Smith, 36, is lead pastor of The City Church in Seattle, described as “a thriving multi-site church noted for its

Bieber with Judah Smith
Bieber with Judah Smith

cultural relevance, commitment to biblical integrity and faith, and love for Jesus.” He is also the author of Jesus Is, a new book endorsed by Bieber.

Bieber’s mom, Pattie Mallette, stumbled upon Smith’s sermons and met him for the first time at a conference. She told Smith that his tapes put her son to sleep and suggested the two meet each other. While Smith didn’t consider the snooze effect a compliment initially, his relationship with the pop sensation has developed and grown over time.

At Friday’s concert, “He (Bieber) credited his connection with God for helping him to get back on his feet after a string of widely publicized tabloid troubles,” Wood reported in the Times.

At one point in the concert, a dozen pre-selected fans were brought on the stage with Bieber for a question-and-answer session. One young woman asked him for advice in handling a romantic breakup.

justin-bieber-breaks-down-in-tears-during-staples-center-show-620x264“I’m not really good at relationship counseling,” he joked. “I can’t keep a relationship going.”

Following his epic break-up with Selena Gomez, Bieber told COMPLEX magazine his heart began to soften toward God. “Love is a choice. Love is not a feeling. People have made it seem in movies that it’s this fairy tale. That’s not what love is,” he noted.

“You’re not gonna want to love your girl sometimes but you’re gonna choose to love her,” he continued. “That’s something in life that I had to figure out. I can’t lean on people. I got to lean on God. I gotta trust in Him through all my situations. Then, hopefully, my other relationships will flourish around me.”

The album cover for Bieber’s new album features the shirtless young star, bent over in prayer, with a cross painted on his stomach.

The penitent tone of “Purpose” is exemplified by the song “Sorry,” as Bieber apologizes for his troublesome antics and vows to change his ways.

“God sent an angel to help you out,” he sings in “Life is Worth Living,” described by the Times as a “delicate and beautifully sung piano ballad.”

Bieber sings about his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: “He gave you direction, showed you how to read a map for the long journey ahead.”

According to Times reviewer Woods, “With ‘Purpose’ Bieber doesn’t just alter his message; he’s transformed his sound too.”


Related: Justin Bieber’s return to Jesus


  1. My heart rejoices to hear of your commitment to Jesus Christ. May God bless you as you grow deeper in your relationship with Him, the one true God. I hope that more Christian stars will follow your example and begin living with purpose.

  2. Growth is a process Justin. God has no expectations. He just loves it when you try and if necessary, try again. Take your time, be in the word, developed your relationship with the Lord and know your many believing fans are praying for you. Lord bless you.

  3. What hope your testimony gives to me for my adult children and my grandchildren Justin. Having seen a wonderful change in you and your music via your talk shows and the Ellen concert recently, it is greatly encouraging.
    Oh, you may have met my nephew, Jordan Wright?

    May the Lord keep you in the palm of His hand and strengthen you with His joy daily.

    Kind regards
    Marcella Wright Hunt
    Umdloti Beach
    South Africa

  4. Justin, welcome to the Family of The One True God and Saviour , Jesus Christ! We rejoice and will continue to uphold you in our prayers in the Phils.

  5. Hello Bro.Justin? You made the greatest decision in life and that is to surrender your life to Jesus? May God give you songs that will inspire other people in bringing them to Christ…God is truly amazing…May He be continually glorified and exalted in your life… I believe God has the BEST PLANS FOR YOU.
    God won’t fail you Justin for HE LOVES YOU beyond measure…I look forward to listening to your songs about the Lord…KEEP SHINING FOR JESUS! Stay Humble and alws guard your heart…❤️?

  6. Sweet dear Brother in Christ, Justin, I’m so proud of your decision to follow Jesus Christ. The best decision you have ever made in your life. Psalm 91 I decree and declare over your life. I can even see the change in you, THAT’S JESUS, that’s what he does…He gives us a new countenance. Wow! So so beautiful….You will win many to Christ, keep looking to Him for everything you do in life, He’s right by your side holding you up with His righteous right hand. Oh and I can’t wait to hear your songs for the Lord…you have such a beautiful voice and that you would give it all to worship Jesus is so awesome and inspire many people in this world to come to Jesus and accept him as their Lord and Savior will be wonderful and it will happen, God will use you mightily. Just keep on pressing on in Him and surround yourself with like minded people, men and women of God and stay accountable. Jesus will help you each step of the way. Blessings to you richly in all you do and put your hand to.

    Love you dear sweet brother in Christ,
    Sherri E. Wisdom

    • Amen! Praise the Lord! You will help so many youth, I believe you are a great soul winner for Jesus Christ! And may God keep pouring out blessings to you! Hallelujah Brother Justin!!

  7. Thank God you heeded the voice of the Lord. I sent you a letter warning you that you were going to die a premature death directed by the hand of Satan. God showed it to me and I never stopped praying for you. Stay with God and fulfill your purpose .

  8. May God bless you little brother and may you know His presence like never before in the mighty name of Jesus.
    Keep your eyes on Him.
    Ottawa, Canada.

  9. People are so blind to see the truth. Clearly Justin Bieber has no relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. His album cover “Purpose” had upside down crosses and 6’s.. His song sorry is clearly not a song where his asking for forgiveness of our Lord.. and the music video is girls twerking which is so lustful. We can see by a tree wether it bears good fruit or not, and we can see the same that of people by their actions. Just becoz he appears good dont mean he bears good fruit of the spirit. These celebrities are all part of the illuminati and they wana blind all of u and wana condition ur mind to their sinful ways by listening to their music! These people are lovers of themselves not God. They seek worship from u, they dont worship God. Mark 4 v22-23 “For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.” These people are their to deceive u and lead u away from ur faith!

    • Dylan you are absolutely correct before I read your blog the Holy Spirit was telling me that there is something wrong with all of this I looked into Justin Bieber’s video sorry from his newest album CDSorry the girls are twerking like Miley Cyrus justin is not talking to God he is not sorry for his sins he is talking about a relationship with a girl he says is it too late to say sorry because I missing more than your body I am thinking that this is a ploy to get a lot of money out of Christians without them really realizing that this is a trick of the devil to get them to buy his newest CD for their kids for Christmas what do you think

  10. Dear Dylan,
    Just a word of encouragement, love is patient and kind…bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things… Love never fails. Lets give him time and rejoice at the gentle turning of Justin’s heart.

  11. Dearest Justin, as Jeff Cooke wrote above, follow his advice and “STAY THE COURSE.” Too often, many have come to the same point as you in their relationship with Jesus Christ, only to walk away because of pressure from others. Fans will leave you; Hollywood, the music industry, tabloids, etc. will mock, ridicule and condemn you, but if you are focused and centered on Jesus, He will walk through the fires with you, guide your steps, and raise you to heights you can’t even imagine. Your talent Justin, is a God-given talent to be used for His glory . You have to be ALL IN – walking in the middle will only lead to a life of misery and pain. You can be popular with or without Jesus as your Lord and Savior, but a life without Jesus is a life of destruction. Receive and adhere to wise counselling from people who have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Read, study the Word of God, and pray in order to develop a mature relationship with Jesus Christ yourself. You are being watched by the world and are under their microscope in hopes that this is just a passing whim that will soon wear off; however, the choice is yours Justin – God will never leave you or forsake you, but you must choose to follow Him. There’s a world of souls that need to know of Jesus Christ, His salvation, and the hope of eternal life with Him, and you, Justin, can reach them through your music. You have been given a powerful gift, choose wisely Justin as to how you will use your gift – use it for the Glory of God and see millions saved or use it where no one will hear the message of eternal salvation. We are praying for you Justin, and we are proud of your decision to follow Jesus. You were born for such a time as this, now, ‘STAY THE COURSE!” You are most definitely in our prayers!

  12. Im very glad to know that you have faith in our god Jesus Christ.
    Go, show to the world that u are god’s son and you are one of his desciple.
    Go, change the beliefs of other people who don’t recognize Jesus Christ as son of lord of heaven
    Go, encourage the whole world to worship Jesus Christ and let them know he is the only way, the truth and the life.
    Go, let them know that only Jesus Christ is our saviour, use your popularity to promote and be willing to surrender everything for his name.

    I am not your fan.
    But I can be your fan for your every concert you promote Jesus Christ

    Truly believers and desciple of Jesus Christ.
    Ericson Sison…

  13. Justin, I’ve watched you from the very beginning of your career and have prayed for you. I’m so proud of the man you’re becoming and that you have chosen to stand up for Jesus. Keep going! God has a plan for your life. God bless you.

  14. Well well…I dunno what to believe but I hope this is for the better
    And Dylan..perhaps what you are saying is true..

  15. He has an upside down cross painted on his stomach in his album cover. This man does not wish to follow his path with Christ. Honestly I believe whoever wrote this blog isn’t even a true Christian due to not writing about that. All artists today deny Christ, including him. With satanic symbolism in their music videos and in pictures like the purpose album cover. May God have mercy on Justin’s soul.

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