Burned alive in the womb, she miraculously survived a failed abortion


By Mark EllisGianna-Jessen - sobrevivente-ao-aborto

She was born weighing only two pounds, with cerebral palsy, and grotesque burn marks covering most of her body. But she should not have been born at all because she is one of a very few human beings to survive a saline abortion.

“After 18 hours of being burned in my mother’s womb, I was delivered alive in an abortion clinic in Los Angeles,” Gianna Jessen, 38, testified in a congressional hearing September 9th. “If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?” she asked.

The House Judiciary Committee is probing Planned Parenthood’s activities related to the harvesting and sale of fetal body parts, based on 10 undercover videos released recently by the Center for Medical Progress.

Jessen, born at 30-weeks of pregnancy to a 17-year-old mom, became a pro-life activist after her adoptive mom conveyed the truth to her when she was 12.

“I am alive because of the Power of Jesus Christ alone. In whom I live, move, and have my being. Without Him I would have nothing; with Him, I have all,” Jessen said in her testimony.

Scarred by saline abortion
Scarred by saline abortion

“Thankfully, the abortionist was not at work yet,” she recounted to the committee. Her birth happened at 6 a.m., three hours ahead of the abortionist’s scheduled arrival. “If he had been there, he would have ended my life with strangulation, suffocation, or leaving me there to die. Instead a nurse called an ambulance, and I was rushed to the hospital.”

“There were many witnesses to my entry into this world,” she told the BBC. “My biological mother and other young girls at the clinic, who also awaited the death of their babies, were the first to greet me and I am told this was a hysterical moment.”

Jessen was hospitalized for three months before she was placed in foster care. She was adopted at the age of four.

Doctors discovered Jessen had cerebral palsy when she was 17-months-old, because her brain was starved of oxygen during the failed abortion. “The doctors said I was in a horrible state,” she told The Telegraph. “They said I would never be able to lift up my head, but eventually I did.

“Then they said I would never be able to sit up straight, but I sat up straight. Then they said I would never be able to walk, but by the age of three I was walking with a frame and leg braces.” In 2004, she ran her first marathon in seven-and-a-half hours.

While Jessen has forgiven her biological mother, she has not developed a relationship with her. She remains very close to her adoptive mom, Dianna DePaul.

Jessen’s life was the inspiration for the movie “October Baby,” which grossed more than $5 million, and received high marks from many observers.


  1. What a deeply moving story! God loves Life, satan loves death.
    I am so glad this lady was given a chance at life, and not only that, she now has Jesus!
    Praise God.
    Pretty lady too, not that looks matter, just saying.
    My heart is stirred to know that saline abortions take so long to destroy a baby.
    It is an act of extreme cruelty.
    Praise God for this lovely lady and her wonderful adoptive parent!
    No doubt her poor natural mother, was fed the lie that the baby wasnt formed yet and was only a blob of tissue etc etc. So much pressure put on them to abort.
    Thank Jesus this lady lived!! Amen.

    • Thank you for sharing Gianna’s story Mark! And, I agree with all of Linda’s comments. GOD Bless each of you : )

  2. Hi thank GOD That because of this happening you can change someone’s mindset that wants to go for an abortion I was also given the choice plenty times by doctors during my last pregnancy to have my baby aborted they told me that my baby will have all kinds of illnesses and that she would be down syndrome I was even taken for counselling but I THANK GOD me and my husband stood by our decision to let our baby come in this world and we would take care of her and by the Grace of GOD I gave birth to a healthy baby girl named HOPE and she turned 2 a few weeks ago.

  3. Praise God!!!!
    Our God Reigns!!!
    Thank you for saving Gianna.
    Thank you for her testimony.
    Thank you for her ministry of saving unborn babies.
    What a testimony!!!!
    Thank you Lord!

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