By Mark Ellis —

Sajita* and others in her large family had done everything they could think of to find help for her father and younger brother, who were both “out of their minds with a kind of madness” that placed great burdens on the family.
Her brother, Akash* had been mentally ill for four years, since the age of 12. In his semi-conscious state, words came out of his mouth that he didn’t understand. For four years he couldn’t attend school, and hadn’t learned to read or write.
He was also aggressive, occasionally attacking people. Their father suffered from the same malady, according to a report by Church of the Nazarene.
Then some Christians came to their area of Kathmandu, Nepal, to perform a gospel drama. For Sajita, the gospel message presented a hope for her family that she had not found anywhere else. She believed in Jesus, was born again, and began to follow Him as her Savior and Lord.

Sajita was the first believer in her neighborhood, and people would not accept her new faith. Scorned and mistreated, she continued steadfastly as a Christian. Sajita began walking to a Nazarene church about 15 minutes away.
The pastors and leaders in the church embraced her and they began visiting her neighborhood in Kathmandu to support her and reach out to others. They too were met with a cold response by the community.
For five or six years ministry teams from the church visited Sajita to pray with her and offer encouragement, and also tried visiting other homes in the neighborhood.
One day Sajita and another relative who had found Christ took Akash to visit the church. His mental state was so troubled that he scarcely understood where he was or what was happening.
But by the last song of the worship he actually became aware he was in a church. Somewhat encouraged, Sajita brought him back to the church several times and people prayed over him for divine healing.
Some of the church leaders visited Akash’s neighborhood one day when Akash — out of his mind — tried to attack them. Six of the team were able to subdue him, held him to the ground and began praying fervently for God to release him from the mental illness that had held him in such bondage.
The group prayed over Akash all night long! Following Paul’s exhortation to ‘pray without ceasing’ they labored in prayer for the young man’s deliverance until the first pale glimmer of light began to emerge in the sky.
At dawn, Jesus released the captive from his bondage. Akash was set free and was suddenly in his right mind!
“I felt a white, invisible thing was touching me. And they prayed for me and I feel very better. The illness is gone completely,” he reported.
Now he sings in the choir and plays guitar for the church services, according to the report by Church of the Nazarene.
“I want to do something for Christ, something for the church and I want to be a good Christian,” he said.
“I’m feeling very glad, my family also they’re glad and at that time I could not read and write, I could not go to school but nowadays I am studying very smoothly. And my family also, we are happy.”
Sajita has big dreams for her community. “I’m praying for this area, I want to raise the gospel house to house in this area and I want to bring them to Christ,” she said.
Currently, Sajita leads a home fellowship of 20 new believers in her neighborhood that meets weekly for worship

and discipleship.
Gradually, the community has become more accepting to the Christians in their midst. As Sajita persisted in visiting families and sharing Jesus with them, people recognized her authentic love for them.
She became aware that God was calling her to full-time ministry, so several years ago she enrolled in a Bible College and completed a three-year program that led to her ordination in 2014.
Today she is the assistant pastor of the church, and is responsible for the group of believers in her neighborhood.
Sajita and Akash marvel at the peace Jesus brought to their household. Their father also has been set free from his mental illness! He has not yet accepted Christ, but he gladly attends the church.
* Names changed for protection and privacy
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How you can help:
Pray for Nepal: Pray for God to bless with wisdom those who are leading Nepal from relative isolation into openness and liberty. Pray that God will unite the Nepalese people behind Godly leaders. Pray for God to give the Nepalese Church great heavenly wisdom, so she may be a wise and sensitive agent of blessing through days of transformation.
Praise Jesus for His delivering power!
It is reported that they prayed all night for his deliverance, but there is a time to pray and then a time to cast the demon(s) out of the person with a simple command:
“In the Name of Jesus, Come out!”
In Mark 16, Jesus tells us that we are to cast out demons.
It may have been a quicker matter had they done so.
But anyway, I applaud them for their persistence and compassion in praying all night.
I am so happy for this young man, his beautiful wife and his father!
In Isaiah 53, speaking of the Lord Jesus, it says, “He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied.” I believe when He sees the results of all His suffering in these lives, He is satisfied!
Thank the Lord Jesus for His resurrection power. Jesus still saves from eternal damnation. He still heals, and He still fills with His Holy Spirit according to Acts 2: 1-4. Jesus said in Mark 16: 16 – 18, “He who believes and is baptized (Act 2: 38) will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. (17) “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues (Acts 19: 1 – 7); (18) “they will take up serpents (Acts 28: 3 – 6); and if they drink anything deadly (given by Satan’s followers – because we should not tempt the LORD God) it will by no means hurt them.” God bless you my brother and sister in Christ Jesus.
Brother Dudley
This is such a blessing to hear what God can do. I used to go to The church of the Nazarene, when I was young. Best church out there, Godbless u all for what you do. Luvs:-)
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