Beverly Hillbilly ‘Elly May’s’ last prayer


By Mark Ellis

Donna Douglas as Elly May
Donna Douglas as Elly May

Donna Douglas, the curly blonde bumpkin actress who played Elly May Clampett with infectious Southern charm on “The Beverly Hillbillies,” passed to her eternal reward on January 1st, 2015 following a battle with pancreatic cancer.

In the months leading up to her graduation to heaven, one of her last public appearances was at Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Henderson, Kentucky.

The following prayer, transcribed from a recording made at the event, provides a glimpse of her sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit and deep connection with God.

“When I come before people I never know what I’m going to say. And I don’t bring it in a can. The Word says He who raised Christ from the dead lives in you and lives in me. So He knows what your needs are. I don’t have to. But I do trust the Holy Spirit. More and more as we trust, God knows your needs. My God shall supply all your needs. I don’t do it; He does it.

“So Father we praise you tonight. We pray for a mighty mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit. We thank you you’re going to go into hearts and make a difference in hearts where people need change. We thank you Father that where they need anchoring, where they need stability, where they need reassurance, Lord, we praise you and thank you for giving it to them.

Donna in later life
Donna in later life

“Let them know. Open up their hearts to receive what you have for them. Let them know how much you really really love them, each and every one of them, that you don’t have favorites.

“So Father we praise you and we thank you. Lord we know you haven’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. So Father we receive that. Greater is He that is within us than he that is in the world.

“Father, more and more may there be a greater love for the Word of God and may the Word of God live in the hearts of the people. Where there is confusion, Lord, get rid of that confusion and let everybody know how valuable and precious they are to You. And Lord we thank you for loving each and every one of us.

“We praise you and thank you for the opportunity to be here. Lord make me a blessing. May my lips be used for right things and my mouth to utter truth. Out of the overflow of your super abundance may my heart and my mouth speak. Blessed be the name of the Lord, knowing Father, that in Jesus name, it will be done. Praise the Lord.”


  1. Truly a woman of God… so refreshing to hear of her faith withstanding and growing in ‘Hollywood’ atmosphere of ridiculing Biblical standards… and Jesus Himself. Truly looking forward to meeting Elly May in Heaven some day!

  2. So refreshing to read about one of our favorite actresses having faith in the true one thing that matters. Never met her but looking forward to it one day . Amen Donna RIP

  3. Awesome!!! Im going to pray that prayer everyday. Now if only everyone would feel that way in Hollywood n other places where TV producers are, or movie producers ,then we wouldn’t have such disrespect, hateful,discrimination,violence,. TV big influence on our society. Whatever happened to good old fashion TV? Decent dress attire,clean fun n laughs,you know like the Beverly Hillbillies, Matlock,JAG,…or family shows like Little House On The Prairie,Dr Quinn… Now that’s TV.I pray for Elly Mae’s prayer that our youngens are touched by her prayer request.I believe get them while they are young n they have a greater chance of becoming a good christian and having a good christian life,not like some of today’s tv families. Violent tv shows,movies,music,…just a few of the big influences on our young society.Result;more christians less atheists, less terrorists,less criminals….God Bless America!!! Amen.

    • Maryann, the Holy Scriptures had plenty of those things as well, so asking for censorship of the Truth of the Holy Scriptures honestly makes you no better than the people that censor out Christianity and it also makes you a slave to religious ritualism rather than a slave to righteousness in your life.

  4. Wonderful. uplifting, and encouraging spirit-filled prayer from an obviously Godly woman. 🙂

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