ISIS sold 700 Yazidi women in slave market, forced circumcision on Christian men


The Tunisia Daily is reporting that the Islamic State (ISIS) forcefully circumcised Assyrian men in Mosul, without anesthesia. The report does not specify the number of men that were affected but does state that it was an organized mass circumcision. ISIS has ordered the circumcision of all Christian children and adults who remain in Mosul.

Very few Assyrian Christians stayed in Mosul after ISIS gave them a deadline to convert, pay jizya, leave or die (AINA 2014-07-20).

The report also states that ISIS sold 700 Yazidi women for $150 each in a public slave auction in Mosul.

See Timeline of ISIS in North Iraq

Please pray for the Christians remaining in Mosul; the Yazidi and the Christians who have fled ISIS; all those who have lost loved ones and those that need healing; for Jesus to appear to all Muslims including ISIS; for a world-wide awareness of the persecution of Christians; and an end to this crisis.–Assyrian International News Agency


  1. / Saw this little snippet on the net. Any reactions? /

    USA Now Headless !

    Obama seems to think we’re on the cutting edge of history. Does he have in mind the predicted beheadings (Rev. 20:4) that are increasing? Obama may feel he’d never be targeted by ISIS. But isn’t he afraid they’ll soon conclude he doesn’t have a good head on his shoulders? (For more on you-know-who, Google “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up.”)

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