Gospel broadcasts break voodoo’s hold


3567_02-12-14_Gospel-Broadcasts-Break-Voodoo-Hold_01_620x200Proclaiming the gospel through Christian radio programs remains an essential way to get the message of salvation to those in bondage to voodoo.

Benin, West Africa is known as the birthplace of voodoo, and signs of this ancient practice are entangled in the culture, especially in the southern parts of the country.

At a recent Fulani women’s conference, one participant described how she was set free from the bondage of demons and idols after she had listened to the “Programs of Life” radio broadcasts. For years Fulani herdsmen have heard the gospel in their mother tongue on eight local radio stations. Many of the women listen faithfully and have now started to support the radio work financially to mark their commitment.

Gospel broadcasts in the Adja language recently touched the hearts of a respected Voodoo deity and his assistant, as well as the leader’s three wives and many children. All came to faith in Jesus Christ.

The SIM-related UEEB Church radio broadcasts began in the early 1990s. They now reach out in 16 local languages on the national radio and close to 25 local community and private FM stations. Radio goes where people cannot easily go, and it is perceived as official, true and important. Prominence is given to the gospel message as radio continues to open new areas for church planting.

Please pray for continued breakthroughs and salvations in West Africa, and for the eradication of voodoo practices and its effects..–SIM USA