Jesus visits Hindu in coma, brings healing and salvation


By Mark Ellis —

George receives a new Bible
George receives a new Bible

For many years, Krishnan was known as a “coolie,” and he endured numerous hardships as a manual laborer at the bottom rung of Indian society.

When he was 25, he fell from a tree and severely injured himself. He lapsed into a coma and nearly died from the mishap. But in the coma, as he hovered between this life and the next, something unexpected happened.

Jesus visited the Hindu man, identifying Himself by showing Krishnan his nail-pierced hands. In his state of ambiguous consciousness, Krishnan recalled Jesus touching him with those distinctive hands, which brought healing to his body.

Immediately after this encounter with the Great Physician, Krishnan was able to get up from his bed. His strength had returned; he was completely healed!

Sensing the Lord’s presence in the room even though he could no longer see Him with his physical eyes, Krishnan fell to his knees and bowed his head to the floor. He confessed his sins and repented, telling Jesus he would follow Him as his personal Savior and Lord the rest of his days.

After this momentous encounter, Jesus spoke to Krishnan in a dream and said, “Be faithful unto death and I will give you crown of life.”

At his baptism, he received a new name, George. He married and raised seven children under Christian influence. Sadly, one of his daughters died of cancer.

His only son, Raju, became a rickshaw driver. Living with Raju, he witnessed his granddaughter fall into a river at a dangerous time of the year, when it was running fast and deep.  Tragically, the young girl was swept away to her death.

But none of the calamities and hardships faced by George could shake his faith. He still believes the presence of Jesus goes with him everywhere. When the trials came and passed, he meditated on God’s Word and found a strength he did not possess in himself.

This verse from the Old Testament became very meaningful to him: “Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls; yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” (Habakkuk 3: 17-18)

At age 86, George is a regular at prayer meetings with his well-worn Bible, which he is able to read without the aid of spectacles. He visits his neighbors to pray for them and he also distributes gospel tracts on behalf of a local ministry.



If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here


  1. I have been corresponding with Rev. Paul Cinaraj and his family for years. Their story would be a wonderful one for your news.

  2. This is a great story, it is a blessing to me and others to hear how God has touched people who have wrong beliefs. I wish this guy and other muslims,hindus,etc.that have been touched or had visions of Jesus could be on national TV and newspapers, I pray Jesus comes to me and others in a vision so we can share it with as many people as we can.
    God Bless

  3. I was moved to write this testament.
    Until I was 20 years i was a total wreck and mockery.I was a Roman catholic.I knew Jesus Christ only as a distant God.But in 1999 December i went to a retreat in Morringoor district in Kerala India .The retreat centre is run by Vincentian Brothers a catholic organisation.

    It was a 7 day period of hearing.learning and understanding the word of God.

    After that retreat life was not the same.I literally lost the “talent ” of telling lies.My life began to transform miraculously.People who once mocked me ,were now refusing to do so.

    Right doors were opened and wrong doors were closed.Life has been a journey.

    I have witnessed many situation that was having a giant stature.But when i go through it an unknown peace fills me and I’m unaffected.I can hear his guidance all the time.Even at times i used to forget him.But things will happen in such a manner that it will have Jesus written all over it. I’m glad that he holds my hand each and every second of my life.I know he is there to love me sincerely without prejudice. He can do the same for you as well..Nothing is impossible when you walk in his grace.

  4. I sincerely wish Christian Post would publish more testimonies about the saving and healing grace of Jesus.

  5. God bless him! This is a wonderful article! Love how you included his asking for forgiveness and asking his sins to be washed! That is the most important part, not just showing that someone believes in Jesus, but they asked for their sins to be washed away and Jesus to come into their life! We can teach there are people that believe in Christ Jesus, but we need to show how they applied him into their hearts. There are too many out there that believe but do not ever ask for salvation. Remember satan believes in God and Jesus too.

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