Details set for Pastor Chuck Smith’s Memorial Service


By Dan Wooding

Chuck Smith Jr. and Sr.
Chuck Smith Jr. and Sr.

Details have been set for a huge Memorial Service for Chuck Smith, senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, and the father of the Jesus People Revolution, who passed away October 3, 2013 after a courageous battle with lung cancer.

It will take place at the Honda Center (formally The Pond) at 2695 E. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806, on Sunday, October 27th, 2013, from 5-8 PM.   Many of the early Calvary Chapel pastors and musicians are expected to take part in this tribute to the man they called “Papa Chuck”.

Charles Ward “Chuck” Smith, (June 25, 1927 – October 3, 2013), was the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and the founder of the Calvary Chapel movement. Beginning with the 25-person Costa Mesa congregation in 1965, Smith’s influence has extended to thousands of congregations worldwide, some of which are among the largest churches in the United States.

Smith has been called “one of the most influential figures in modern American Christianity” and oversaw, with others, the birth of modern-day worship music as many of the hippies he ministered to in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, found Christ in the tent erected on the property where a new sanctuary was being built.


More details to follow.


  1. My condolences, and may our God continue to bless you and the Family
    And all of the Calvary Ministeries….JESUS CHRIST IS LORD…..

  2. To Mrs. Kay Smith and the family of Pastor Chuck. I am sorry for you loss.
    After I became a Christian, Pastor Chuck was the first teacher of Christ that
    I heard on the radio. What a blessing for me thru the years. Of the many things Chuck taught and of stories told and prayers answered the one I do remember was his telling about praying for his mom. She was dying of cancer and she was in a great deal of pain. Chuck prayed for God to take her pain away and God did. Thanks for all you did Pastor Chuck. Psalm 23

  3. Thank you Smith Family for your sacrifices in allowing Pastor Chuck, yourselves and others to proclaim God’s word. I am grateful for my experiences in the late 70’s from the Twin Peaks Conference Center Retreat to the volumes of teaching tapes from the lending library I listened to.

    Among the golden threads of my journey with Jesus, Our Father and the Holy Spirit was my beginning with Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa along with Kenn Gulliksen of the Vineyard West Los Angeles and Calvary Chapel Yorba Linda & John Wimber/Lonnie Frisbee are the additional golden threads that connect my life to Heaven and other lovers of God.

    May the beauty of Pastor Chuck’s life, being a God lover and his longevity of integrity in spreading the Word keep glowing with Heaven’s light especially for the Smith Family. Father, please grant even more to those who appreciate your Word like Pastor Chuck as a gift to all of us whom he influenced to seek you to the end.

    Peace and Love, Keith

  4. Chuck Smith’s faithful service to Christ has impacted millions of people. A tremendous loss yet a legacy that we can continue to learn from and will continue for generations to come. Deep regards in this time of loss

  5. When Pastor Chuck entered into Glory he heard these words loud and clear “well done thy good and faithful servant” Chuck served the body of Christ in a manner that is an example for all who have and will respond to the call of the Lord to ministry. May those who follow Pastor Chuck in ministry see a man who never, ever lost his focus on the message and the person of the message, the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord continue to comfort the Smith family during this time and pour His blessings into their lives and the lives of all whom they contact. Chuck is now in his eternal home enjoying the presence of his blessed Savior.

  6. When i gave my life to Jesus Christ seven years ago, God through the power of the Holy Spirit led me to a radio station that broadcasted Chucks through the bible every day at 8pm . Without fail, i would be tuned in. i grew spiritually and in turn i introduced Chuck to my son who was 13 yrs old then. We loved chuck and we followed him closely. i was very sad about his sickness i didnt tell my son when he ‘moved” but he found out and was very sad too. Chuck is with the Lord now. God comfort his family is my prayer.

    Susan Kamau
    I AM 42yrs old.

  7. I was blessed to be with Chuck from the beginning in the little chapel. I lived at the “Blue top commune right below Lonnie and Connie Frisbee, and witnessed the many miracles God preformed through Lonnie. I was instantainiously healed of a 6” slash to the bone from walking through a sliding glass door. I loved Chuck as a father. Never the less I had heard about Lpnnie all the way from michigan. Hippies came from all around the world because of Lonnie without ever hearing about Calvery Chapel. Let us not forget Lonnie whome l trust is with Chuck and Jesus. Chuck and l had a beautiful reuniun in his tinny office about a Mo. ago. It was emotional as l think we both sensed that it would be our last (in this world) God be with Chuck andd Lonnie. Two wonderful servants of God..Martin L.Williams

  8. My daddy in Jesus. It was 1969 right in the middle of the hippie generation, and I walked in the little country church at the edge of town. It was there I met a loving and a peaceable servant of God, Pastor Chuck. Yes, it was life changing because what he was sharing wasn’t religion, it was finding a true relationship with the living God, so we became The Jesus People, and 46 years later, I can still hear his voice see his smile and hear his laughter. He’s with Jesus now the author and finisher of his faith.

  9. Chuck Smith was my daddy in Jesus, coming out of all the crazy times in 1969. When a friend of mine, Jim Golden, told me I needed Jesus, not religion but a true and real relationship with the living God of the bible. Then Chuck smith introduced me to him, The real Jesus, life changing. Indeed, I was healed and delivered from the little kingdom of self and entered into the kingdom of God. Chuck Smith was a man after God’s own heart, a true servant of the Good news, and now he’s with the author and finisher of his faith. He was a True Christian who would lay down his life for a friend, A true believer in Grace, Gods riches at Christ’s expense.

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