By Mark Ellis —

Usha belonged to a Hindu family in India. She followed many Hindu deities and made ‘poojas’ in her home, a daily ritual gift to her idols with the hope of receiving a blessing in return.
But after Usha developed uterine cancer and a serious skin disease, her husband left her for another woman. Due to her sickness and unpleasant appearance, many in the community rejected her. Her own brothers and sisters would not let her enter their homes.
In order to care for herself and her four children, Usha was forced to beg from neighbors. Still, she tried to continue teaching her children at home and live as normally as possible in the midst of her suffering.
She prayed to her idols every day for healing, including Siva, Vishnu, Krishna, Ganpati, Ayyappa, Laxmi, Saraswathi. As part of the pooja, she poured out milk, honey, rice, flowers and fruits on her idols. For months and months she repeated her ritual, but found no relief from her health maladies.
Usha applied for help from the government and they approved treatment in a mission hospital, which involved a hysterectomy. Doctors were optimistic they removed all her cancer, but her skin disease persisted, which baffled them.
One day some ministers connected with Paul Ciniraj Ministries visited her in the hospital. They shared the gospel with Usha, a message she had never heard before. Visibly moved, she repented from all her sins and accepted Jesus as her Savior.
“I believe in Jesus Christ,” she openly declared. Everyone in the room joined hands and prayed for her.
Then something remarkable happened. As they prayed, Usha felt like she was suddenly engulfed in a burning furnace. Her internal body temperature seemed to rise dramatically – as if a fire raged within every cell of her body!
She looked at her skin and hair, but nothing was charred or singed. Like Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, she believes Jesus covered and protected her completely.
“All my sin and sickness burned from my body by the grace of Jesus Christ,” she says.
After this intense experience, her skin disease slowly disappeared. The ministers who witnessed her healing praised the Lord. Doctors could not explain what happened and some described it as a miracle.
Now Usha’s health and strength is restored and she has begun to work with Paul Ciniraj Ministries, sharing the story of God’s amazing work in her life.
If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here
These are the last days, JESUS is personally appearing to thousands of people who are Hindus-Muslims and other non-Christian religious faith. GOD is going to open the eyes of the people with a new sense of sanity that the man-made idols will not and can’t perform any miracle. Who is greater, the creator of the idol or the idol? Quite surprising that, even though she was living in an area with plenty of Christians, but never heard about the salvation through CHRIST. The fields are white unto harvest but the labourers are few. It is high time that the believers of all denominations may hold hands together and tell the person next to us in the work place and neighbourhood that JESUS is living and HE is the only hope of the world.
Usha, praise God, and God bless you, Jesus is wonderful and awesome God, He loves you so much, and will be forever with you and your children, taking care of you. Always give Him thanks and Praise.
Hello mam. I’m not a christian. I have a bad acne(pimple) prone skin .i have been suffering for nearly 7 years. i prayed God, i cried a lot. I consulted 4 dermatologists and no use. Please please pray for me. i have a very bad inferiority complex. i don’t want to live. i feel lonely. i’m hopeless and clueless . my face is full of pimples, red marks and pitted scars. i read this article and gained some hope. please pray for me. My last hope is Jesus .
I’ll pray for you darling. God bless you!
you know what? you are so right! i dont care whether you are christian or not, but Jesus is still healing people and right now as we pray and agree together you are healed in Jesus name! Jesus loves you so much that He died on the cross for you. He has redeemed you from the curse of pimple. if you are willing you can receive His love as He is healing you right now..
Sir maybe try to get on a very cleansing diet..Use proper face cleansing Products etc for acne skin..There are many good products in the women cosmetic section at store..Your body needs to sweat n purify toxins..Drink lots of lemon water..Look seriously into what You’re eating and proper nutrition..Many People have skin problems even as Adults..Sometimes they have exposure to dirt etc from work n stress.. Have faith and have a makeup person from store assist You to find an organic Powder or something to help cover Your skin in the meantime to feel more Confident..In Buddhists tradition there is the MEDICINE BUDDAH Prayer and Practice..To Heal all human maladies.. Look up the Mantra n recite it daily for Healing.. Guardian Angel Rafael is also called the Healing Angel of God..Do a Vow to Your God You truly believe in with Love and Faith…Pray You will be guided to the right Medicines n Herbs etc to heal Your condition..You may have to alter Your diet..Many Hindues find Aryvedic Medicine to be highly effective..and Pray to Lord Where Danvantri ..Lord Jesus or Buddah or Hindue Gods n Goddess’s all have celestial powers to act on Your behalf …it’s all in Your Devotional Love for that God…
In Jesus name, I speak life and healing to your skin. May the blood of Jesus cleanse you from the inside out. Just as God healed Naama’s skin in 2Kings 5:14 He shall heal your skin! Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. He is mighty to save, heal and restore. I thank God for your life and faith. God loves you and has a great future for you. REJOICE YOU ARE HEALED IN JESUS NAME!!
Matthew 8:2-3 NCV
Then a man with a skin disease came to Jesus. The man bowed down before him and said, “Lord, you can heal me if you will.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man and said, “I will. Be healed!” And immediately the man was healed from his disease.
In Jesus name, I speak life and healing to your skin. May the blood of Jesus cleanse you from the inside out. Just as God healed Naama’s skin in 2Kings 5:14 He shall heal your skin! Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. He is mighty to save, heal and restore. I thank God for your life and faith. God loves you and has a great future for you. REJOICE YOU ARE HEALED IN JESUS NAME!! here searching for hope…im a Christian and now i am under depression. Let me brief my first i had good skin but when i hit 14(age) pimples started coming and it continued. At the age 17 my face was full of pimple and dark spots and i lost all my self confidence and became a victim to depression. By then one of my friend advised me a cream.since i was ready to do anything to elevate my life i started using that cream without enquiring about the side effects(my friend too dont know) after 2 month finally i was able look my face in the mirror my acne has cleared away and face was whiter than ever…then i stopped the treatment (cream). After a week or two acne returned.. It was severe than face became awful,my friends started talking behind my back,criticism, laughing.that made me to stop interacting with friends… Then i started reusing the cream. my darkspots cleared but instead my face became so red…now im here in a hard state if i use cream my face becomes red..if i dont it turns awful with spots. I googled for more than 2months and everywhere it is written “there is no cure”..Since my childhood i learnt about the miracles by Jesus…so nw my only hope is God..I have been praying to him but there is no improvement. My question is ‘will he’ not ‘can he’.. Because i know he can heal me…i think he may heal me if someone(greater faith)else pray for me.pls pray for me..
(my English is poor sry.)
Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever. He is able and more than willing to heal you today of your skin problem. touch your acne and say this acne prone skin is dead because your old self has been burried together in Christ and now you live in a resurrection life in Christ {romans 6:5} you are a new creation. as Jesus is, so are you in this world. you are completely healed i declare in Jesus name. Amen !
May I know which place of India Usha belongs to.
There are a lot of people suffering from Cancer in USA. Most of them pray Jesus. Should all of them change to other religions to fulfil their wishes? Is that what you mean to say with this post.
I believe in Jesus.
Hi mame/sir…I am a hindu but i believe and love jesus very much and this is to inform you that i have chicken pox in my face from the past 20 yrs and i have also consulted a doctor based on this.but there is no use. I dont know what to do. So,please I am requesting you to pray for me and also for those who have this problems.
Amen !
Father, in the name of Jesus – I speak healing into the life of Saraswathi.M from skin infection & chicken pox. Saraswathi.M receive your healing in Jesus name.
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