Fanatic Hindu hated Christians, then Jesus healed him


By Mark Ellis —

Pastor Paul Ciniraj with Thankappan
Pastor Paul Ciniraj with Thankappan

Thankappan was a taxi driver and also a fanatic Hindu. He never liked Christian missionaries. He often spoke out against Christianity and even organized people near Hindu temples to challenge the Christians’ evangelistic activities.

Once when he was driving his taxi he happened to drive near a church meeting conducted by Pastor Paul Ciniraj Mohamed. He noticed a former Muslim and a former Hindu witnessing for Christ. This enraged him. He got so angry he spit at the meeting through his car window.

At that very moment – while his anger distracted him — his car was hit by a large truck and he sustained substantial injuries. Hospitalized, he entered into a coma, and doctors offered his family little hope he would survive.

After few days, while still in the coma, something remarkable happened. He had a vision that Jesus Christ touched him and said, “I am giving you life again. Confess your sins and become my witness.”

When Thankappan opened his eyes for the first time, he saw Pastor Paul praying over him. Others, including his wife, stood nearby with tears in their eyes, expecting his death at any moment.

Though Thankappan had been unable to speak, he slowly opened his mouth and said to Pastor Paul, “Pastor, I spat at you. I spat at Jesus Christ. I persecuted the Lord Jesus and His servants. Forgive me. Forgive me. Ask my Lord to forgive me.”  Then he began to weep deeply.

A short time later, someone called for the doctor. He was amazed to see Thankappan had emerged from the coma, speaking and crying.

“This is a great miracle!” he exclaimed.

After Thankappan’s body healed, he was baptized and became an evangelist, distributing tracts and literature and witnessing about Jesus all over the city. His wife became a believer and also helped him.

Thankappan says, “I was persecuting Christians; but the Lord Jesus fought for His children.”

In the accident, Thankappan’s intestines came out of his stomach cavity. Doctors were unable to replace the intestines in their original position, and instead created a pouch outside his body, which hangs below his waist.

“The Lord Jesus mightily fights for His children,” Thankappan declares. “If anybody is persecuting Christians, I am a clear example,” he says.

When Thankappan evangelizes on street corners, he holds the Bible in one hand and reveals his unusual stomach as part of his testimony. “I was an enemy of Christians, but Jesus Christ loved me, made me alive and saved me from sin and death. Now I am His servant,” he declares.

Pray that Thankappan would continue to be used mightily as a witness for the Lord, especially to his unsaved family members.



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  1. GOD’s way are very mysterious and when hurting GOD’s children, then GOD will deal with that person with love, may be through some severe dose of punishment. GOD has raised this person who hated the Christians to be super soul-winner because JESUS IS A LIVING AND LOVING GOD. India is going to witness the greatest revival yet to come. Years back while eating lunch with Dr. Lal, the Chancellor of the Allahabad Agricultural University, he made a statement ” brother, we are going to witness the revolution of the Holy Spirit in India”. As the world-wide economic meltdown has taken away the wealth of the wealthy and an overall depression is felt all over, now for finding peace, the masses of India will be seeking after the living GOD JESUS CHRIST. Every knee has to bow down before HIM and every tongue has to confess that HE IS GOD.

  2. Praise the Lord

    My name is Nithun Raj. I am hailing from a hindu family. I love jesus christ and want to accept him as my saviour because I know I can be saved only through him. I have given up beliefs of hinduism and I have started praying to Lord Jesus Christ. I want to taste his presence. Will I be saved if I believe in him? Once I had been with him and rejected him. I went back to hindu religious beliefs. But now I know he is the only God. I have never tasted peace of mind with my (Hindu) religious beliefs. I want freedom. I want Jesus christ to be my saviour again. I want to be free from all my sins. Does jesus love me??

    • Yes, Nithun, Jesus loves you with an everlasting love. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

      • Praise the Lord

        Thank you for the reply.

        Can you explain what exactly is baptism? Is it mandatory to change our name at the time of baptism? What are the requirements that we should follow before proceeding for baptism?

        • No I don’t have to change ur name if it does not relate or have a false God’s name..but names have significant meaning and if u have a name that means something good tuen it will bless ur life….

  3. Okay. If the question is inappropriate in regard to the contents of this blog, dont answer the above quoted question. I read that a person who believes in Jesus and is baptised will be saved. A person who is not baptised is not allowed to enter the kingdom of God. I wanted to check what this means. Thats why I put up the above question.

    • Baptism is an act of submission to God, symbolising death to old self and ressureating with Jesus ro a new life. Jesus him self had a baptism. It’s important to repent for your past sins and then die to your old self and be raised with Christ.

  4. Nithun Raj.

    Anyone who believes that Jesus Christ Is Our Lord and The Only Saviour. Anyone who loves Jesus Christ Our Lord would be saved. Just believing in Christ Our Lord one is Saved. Through Him we are forgiven.
    Christian baptism is one of two
    ordinances that Jesus instituted for the church.
    Just before His ascension , Jesus said, “Go and
    make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
    the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
    Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything
    I have commanded you. And surely I am with you
    always, to the very end of the age” ( Matthew
    28:19–20 ). These instructions specify that the
    church is responsible to teach Jesus’ word, make
    disciples, and baptize those disciples. These
    things are to be done everywhere (“all nations”)
    until “the very end of the age.” So, if for no other
    reason, baptism has importance because Jesus
    commanded it.

  5. Praise the lord,
    This is such a wonderful testimony. I am a born again christian. I am a college student. I am praying with a lot of burden for my friend who is so dear to me. she is like a elder sister to me. I am with a great desire praying for her that god may touch and speak to her and that she may see the truth and come to this glorious salvation experience.

  6. Wow great!!! Fantastic peace of propaganda heard everywhere. Your God is great boss, so mine is too. I meet him everyday and every moment and he tells me:- not to tell lies, not to hate anyone, do good to others, be simple and honest. Guess, he also tells you the same and if so, then stop this and be true to yourself.

  7. You christian are very bad people and Mr. Pastor Paul Ciniraj you b__________ . Talk with me how your jesus did that, Why you christian always fight from back come on front . WHY christian MANUFACTURE THE WAR STUFF , WHY YOU NEED TO PAY FOR CONVERT THE COMMUNITY , WHY YOU ARE NOT HELP ANY OTHER COMMUNITY . IF ANYBODY NEED YOUR HELP THEN HE/SHE NEED TO CHANGE COMMUNITY WHAT THEN HELL, I WILL KILL YOU ALL JUST WAIT, NO SINGLE B__________ CHRISTIAN WILL LIVE HINDUSTAN (INDIA ) JUST WAIT

    • Why do the nation’s rage and the kings plot a vain thing against our Lord and against His anointed? The Lords laughs at them in heaven….He is able to sustain and to provide protection to His people!

  8. Manoj: You have mistaken too much. You are simply repeating what Mohan Bhagavat says. Open your eyes and evaluate the facts.

  9. I personally have found greater peace in Hinduism, especially the practice of mantra, then I have ever felt with anything Christian.

  10. Glad to see delusional stories, even in the 21st century are given credence. Doctors are not given credit, just jeebus.

  11. Hello brothers and sisters. I’m Majid from Pakistan. I’m so happy the text sent to Indian Christian brothers was read. God bless you. Read the bible daily.Jesus is life.

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