By Mark Ellis —

Messianic Jewish believer Bobbie Barsky likes to identify herself as a completed Jew. When she went through a horrific health battle with metastasizing cancer, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob gave her assurance every step of the way.
“God made the difference!” Barsky exclaims three times to emphasize her gratitude. Barsky and her husband, Rabbi Dr. David Barsky, oversee Congregation Beth Hillel in Coral Springs, Florida, a messianic synagogue.
Long before her cancer diagnosis she received a vision that helped prepare her for what was coming. “It wasn’t my imagination, because I couldn’t turn off what I was seeing,” she notes in her book, “The Silver Lining” (Gazelle Press). In the vision, she sat in a hospital bed but appeared healthy – as if a crisis had passed – and many people were lined up to see her.
After the vision she shared her concern with husband David. “Something is going to happen,” she told him.
“We have to pray against it,” he said.
When the crisis hit, none of her symptoms conveyed anything serious. But a stubborn case of bronchitis didn’t respond to antibiotics, so her doctor ordered a chest x-ray. “I was never sick a day in my life,” Barsky says. She wasn’t concerned.
He called a few days later to deliver the stunning news: she had a large mass in her right lung. Later it was identified as adenocarcinoma, one of the deadliest and most aggressive forms of lung cancer. Over 90 % of sufferers die within eight months.
“I thought he made a horrible goof,” Barsky says.
God doesn’t have to get my attention, she thought, because I’m already serving Him. I’m leading all these people to the Lord. What are you doing, God?
Barsky confesses she was angry with God for several weeks, then a Matt Redman song, “He Never Lets Go,” ministered a spiritual breakthrough in her soul.
Surgeons wanted to remove one-third of her lung, but the surgery was cancelled when it was discovered the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. Her doctor warned her the cancer was so aggressive it might also spread to her brain, so he ordered a brain scan.
Four days later, he called with an urgent tone in his voice. Bobbie and David must come to his office right away. “I have some bad news,” he told them after they arrived. “You have a large metastatic brain tumor.”
David began to quietly sob, as both wondered whether they should plan for brain surgery or a funeral. But then something unusual happened in the doctor’s office.
“The Holy Spirit moved in like the fourth man in the fire,” she recalls, referring to the story of Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. “He was in the room and I felt His arms around me and this peace flooded me from my head to my toes. It swam all over me.”
In the midst of devastating news, she was suddenly and inexplicably smiling from ear to ear. Barsky had felt God’s love like this only two other times in her life. She exchanged a knowing glance with her husband and nodded at him. He instantly knew she had heard from God.
“I’m going to be fine,” she told a surprised Dr. David Khan. “I’m going to live and not die and proclaim the works of the Lord,” she said with assurance.
Dr. Khan looked down at his papers, not sure how to respond.
Even though Barsky was certain of God’s presence in the depths of her struggle, she also had faith that God would work through her doctors. Five days later, she had brain surgery.
“I had no fear going into the surgery,” she recalls. “I was laughing and kibitzing with the nurses.” Most of her congregation were in the waiting room praying for her, another powerful reminder of God’s love.
Barsky also endured chemotherapy and radiation treatments. “The worst part was the radiation,” she notes. “It was horrendous.”
She had the last of 35 radiation treatments in July, 2011. Eight weeks later, Barsky’s radiation oncologist, Dr. Ana Botero, scheduled a nuclear pet scan to view the results of the treatment.
Dr. Botero shared the remarkable news in a phone call: her lung tumor was completely gone. When the two met face-to-face, Dr. Botero choked up and her eyes filled with tears.
“I didn’t do this,” Dr. Botero said, with emotion in her voice. “He did. If I could do this for all my patients, I would, but He did this,” referring to God.
Dr. Botero led Barsky down the hall to meet the two techs who had given her the radiation treatments. “It’s Bobbie! It’s Bobbie!” she exclaimed. “She’s cancer free!”
Barsky believes God brought a miracle, but he also used the doctors. “If I didn’t go to doctors I would be dead,” she insists. “But I know I’m healed and God healed me. I didn’t get instantly healed. I had to go through the horror (of radiation).
“The difference is God,” she says. “God orchestrated everything. God still heals.”
Alleuia. Jesus Christ is Lord!
Bobbie, is a part of my extended family. My father and Mother, Bob and Eva Helms who pastored Omega Christian Ministries, loved her like a daughter. She was like my big sister. She put up with me and loved me when I was unlovely. What a great “jewish mother”! She always did everything she could single handedly to take care of her family. She led her Jewish father to Christ just before he died, work long hours to raise three kids, lead others to the Lord and pursued healing and was disciplined before the Lord. Bobbie brought many people to Christ even way back in the 80’s before she met and married Dr. David. We have prayed and hoped for such a message as this. The seeds she has sown all these years and the depth of her relationship with our precious Lord has come through for her. Hallelujah!!!!! We love you Bobbie. Lynn
Thank you for sharing your blessed story. My husband David has a very rare tumor, that turned out to be cancer. What makes it rare is that it is inside of his spinal cord. Doctors have said it can’t be treated w/chemo or anything & is inoperable. They won’t do a biopsy to know what kind of cancer he has, because even that will paralyze him. He is now starting to lose strength in his arms & legs.. We do MRI ‘s to watch the progression, it has grown in the last 2 tests. But the doctor says it shouldn’t be affecting his upper body so now they have set up an appt. to have a brain scan to see if its spread. We are both Christians & are praying & I’ve been fasting, praying for God to intervene & let the MRIs be clear. We are both 48yrs and been married for 23yrs, & its just us, no children, I’m terrified, I don’t want to lose him, & I’m trying to stay positive that Jesus finished it on the cross, & that includes total healing, but sometimes I break. I pray I will be able to post our story on here with the same results you had. Thank you for sharing, I needed that!! God Bless you & your family. Lisa King, Tifton Ga/ email: [email protected]….in case you have any advise
Lisa, we are praying for your husband. Please get a copy of The Cure by Rabbi David Barsky asap (its on amazon ….put in The Cure/Barsky and start doing the prayers. We are getting reports from all over the nation from people who are getting healed of cancer. Hang in there, Sister. You can call me on 954 828 2340 bobbie barsky
I am deeply encouraged by your testimony,i am also praying and trusting God for healing of metastatic breast cancer by his stripes am healed and soon i will post here of my healing miracle.please send me that prayer as well.God bless you
this a wonderful book giving that are in need inspiration and strength to those that need it.
Its awesome to hear what God has done in your life! Praise Him…
We are also pressing in for a healing miracle for my son Yucca Nel, who has brain cancer.
Yesterday his wife, Turid, contacted the family to inform us that Yucca only has a few days or weeks to live.
I absolutely am convinced that God wants us to be delivered from sicknesses and diseases – through Christ Jesus.
Your prayers would be so much appreciated.
(Yucca and Turid live in Norway, and I live in South Africa)
In Jesus, I am your sister…
Hello, I purchased your book earlier this year because last summer my mom was diagnosed with satge iv brain cancer and had to have a tumor removed from her brain. She went through radiation and took chemo by the pill. Honestly we didnt know or I didnt know how to pray for healing or if God still healed and I’m a believer. One day I came across a testimony from Joel Osteen’s mother Dodie Osteen who confessed her way to healing. I looked up the scriotures and began to read them. My eyes were opened. I gave the scriptures to my mom and we began to confess them daily. Last month she had another surgery because the tumor grew back. This time we cursed the cancer at the seed, roots, and cells and commaned thrm to die in the name of jesus! I saw your interview online and have recently purchased yoyr husbsnds book the cure. Im better this time around because ive grown stronger in the word and I know the will of God, mother does too we’re waiting on the manifestation. Thanks for being an inspiration because some dont think that God can still heal even though we go to church every sunday! Ida
Let’s always remember, God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He performed healing miracles in the past, he does them today and he will do them tomorrow. I’m a stage 4 cancer patient. God is my hope and salvation. May God bless you and grant you healing and good health.
I was diagnosed with two small (1.5cm and 8mm) stage IV glioblastomas in my right temporal lobe. I had a complete resection on 8/6/14. I was back to work on 8/22/14. I feel great. I start my radiation/chemo treatments this week. I have Dr./Rabbi Barsky’s book, The Cure and have read it many times. It is very inspiring, sincere and pragmatic. I have also been deep in prayer and reading the Bible daily. After reading the Gospel of John coupled with The Cure, I went for a walk and felt so good, I was convinced I was cured then and there.
However, I am having a couple of problems. I have a wife and a 7 year old son. As I understand it, God’s eternal view/will may be that I don’t suevive. The idea of not being around for my wife and son makes me feel very, very angry and depressed. I can’t reconcile God’s will being such. I know we are not to lean on our own understanding, but my pre-mature death makes zero sense. None.
I can’t seem to completely get over my fear. Not for myself, but my family. Its odd because our son was born two months premature. Even though the doctors were as “clinical” as there are now, I never had a doubt that our son wasn’t going to be completely fine. I knew, absolutely knew, God would take care of it. And he did. Our son is wonderful. For some reason I can get right up to that point with this, but I can’t seal it and send it off to God. I am trying. I am praying for guidance, reading the Bible and asking for forgiveness for what seems to me to be a lack/shortage of faith.
Obviously this is too big for me, but it certainly isn’t too big for God. I need to get out of the way and let the Lord handle it. Unfortunately, I worry and fret. I am scared.
My Uncle, Bruce Nanasy, most knowledable man I know. I will never understand why the Lord takes such wonderful people such as Bruce.
Praise God. My mother was recently diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. It is metastasizing to her bones. God has been speaking to me and reassuring me that she will be okay. I am glad he led me to your story. I am a firm believer of God and Jesus Christ. I know she will be healed. I am thankful you shared your story. Thank you.
praises be to most Holy,hi madam, I am HANUMANTHA RAO M from India very recently my father M SUBBA RAO he is unable to lay down and sleep since 25 days due to sever pain that radiates from back thoracic region to all over chest, for this when we went through investigations (MRI spine and chest ct) and diagnosed as lung cancer with thoracic vertebral metastases,,today 29.6.2015 for first time am at HCG cancer hospital ,hubli, Karnataka, India,my father doesn’t know he is having cancer ,today I need to tell him about his condition,,,please proclaim and declare grace of God throug Christ Jesus to strengthen my father and mother and my family to stand firm to win this battle let God’s grace enable my father to sustain the radiation process and chemo therapy treatment too,,,I hope the God who healed you can healed my father too,,He is almighty healer day will come we will rejoice and celebrate the goodness of God,,please confess,proclaim,declare the life giving word of God upon my father M SUBBA RAO,,,my father will not die he lives even more years and declares the works of God,,,,amen,,, we ll come back to you soon with testimony that God healed my father all glory to God who is superior above all,,,,
I am suffering from Stage IV lung cancer that has spread to my bones, lymph nodes, and brain. I am having a very hard time accepting my illness, especially when I heard the Lord tell me last June, 2014 while I was walking through my dining room, “I’m going to heal you.” It was not my imagination, and I know what I heard, but I just keep getting worse. I’m posting this message to ask for prayer, because right now I do not feel jubilant. I’m sorry for that, but I just need lots of prayer. Thank you.
God is still a healer! There is nothing to hard for Him. Hold on to that!
Hi, my name is Brenda Moore, my father in-law John Moore is in palliative care at the hospital right now with stage IV lung cancer that has spread all over his spine and organs, his brain is intact. I Believe in the Word of God and know He has delivered him and healed him. Please help me Pray for Him and His soon Miraculous recovery as God has promised. We are in Bakersfield CA. I thank you all for your prayers and May the Lord Bless you all.
Please pray for my mother she has stage IV lung cancer, it’s spread to her brain and bones. She is hospitalised and the doctors say there is no more they can do, each day she has been getting worse. In a week she has gone from talking and walking to being bed bound and too weak to eat and drink or stay up and she is so weak she can’t talk. I believe that My God is able and a miracle worker…God is still in the business of healing and I ask you all to keep her in prayer-Belinda Bastin. I pray that Jesus our Lord and saviour comes and heals her body,giving her strength again, if it is God’s will!
I just prayed for a healing miracle for your mother, Belinda.
I need a miracle healing i have something going on in my brain and spine and neck i need a miracle
I also have been diagnosed with mass in lung and liver. I need your prayers! Thank you for your testimony! I needed to hear that!
please pray for my sister. She has been pronounced dead because of a brain tumor. but by the grace of God we are praying that she will rise up. She was first diagnosed with tumors in her liver, lungs and kidney. After prayers we recieved a word that she would be healed. She went to the doctor and the cancer in the lungs kidney and liver were all gone. However, we got report that it had gone to her brain we kept praying and fasting. But before we could even sign up for radiation she suddenly passed away. The doctors at the hospital even refused to resusitate her even though she had indicated that she wanted it. WE ARE STUNNED. WE PRAYED WE FASTED. BUT THE WORST THING IS WE DONT WANT HER TESTIMONY TO DIE WITH HER. SHE WANTED TO TELL THE WORLD THAT GOD HAD HEALED HER. WE BEGGED GOD TO HEAL HER FOR HIS GLORY. WE DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT WE DID WRONG.
I don’t believe you did anything wrong. We will never understand everything when it comes to God. I pray he comforted you and that you continue to know He loves you.
My husband posted on this page. He died of his cancer before the time frame doctors gave him, rejecting further treatments and meds that would have slowed it down, citing stories of faith like these. Please be careful with how these stories are taken. Everyone wants a miracle story like this. You do not have greater faith in God if you reject healthcare. There are many types of brain cancer and not specifying which type or it’s stage can be very misleading to those with the most aggressive forms.
I am so sorry for your loss. The stories are meant to build up faith, but in no way should people draw the conclusion that they should reject doctors. God works through doctors to bring healing, what some call integrative healing.I love the miracle stories, but God also heals using doctors and he also heals redemptively, using the illness to change the sufferer more and more into his likeness, which often has a profound effect on the people surrounding them.
True. Thank you Mark Ellis.
Please pray for my mom who might have cancer. I understand many on here ask help for people or themselves that already have cancer but, I am also kindly asking for prayers for my mom who recently found out she has a 20mm nodule in her lung. I would like to prevent her nodule from being cancerous as I know it could lead to death. I haven’t graduated college yet and i need her to be here on earth still.
I’m praying for everyone on this post, please help me pray for my mom. Thank you and god bless.
PLEASE Pray for my 2 years old baby RENITA ANN RENJISH .She is suffering Brain Tumor Stage 4. Please pray for another miracle..
Please pray for my mum. she is suffering from cancer . The treatment doesn’t work anymore. All our trust is in our Lord Jesus. We are desperate for His healing. My mum’s name is Jamiyyat.
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